i) 2016-Scopus Open Access (PDF)
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Item GRAPH CUT BASED SEGMENTATION METHOD FOR TAMIL CONTINUOUS SPEECH(Springer Link, 2016) Laxmi Sree, B R; Vijaya, M SAutomatic segmentation of continuous speech plays an important role in building promising acoustic models for a standard continuous speech recognition system. This needs a lot of segmented data which is rarely available for many languages. As there are no industry standard speech segmentation tools for Indian languages like Tamil, there arises a need to work on Tamil speech segmentation. Here, a segmentation algorithm that is based on Graph cut is proposed for automatic phonetic level segmentation of continuous speech. Using graph cut for speech segmentation allows viewing speech globally rather locally which helps in segmentation of vocabulary, speaker independent speech. The input speech is represented as a graph and the proposed algorithm is applied on it. Experiments on the speech database comprising utterances of various speakers shows the proposed method outperforms the existing methods Blind Segmentation using Non-Linear Filtering and Non-Uniform Segmentation using Discrete Wavelet Transform.Item BIOSORPTION OF DIVALENT ION ONTO TREATED PROSOPIS JULIFLORA BARK FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS - ISOTHERMAL AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS(Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2016-04-13) Muthulakshmi Anda, N; Charulatha, S; Gayathri, N SThe present work emphasizes the utilization of Prosopis juliflora bark, an agro waste material for the adsorption of Cu(II). The raw Prosopis juliflora bark (PJB) is treated using 0.1N hydrochloric acid to enhance the sorption efficiency. The characterization studies of TPJB using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX), Brunauer-Emmet-Teller(BET) and Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) analyses carried out. The batch mode experimental set up is verified to assess the sorption capacity of the chosen material for the operating factors viz., particle sizes/ doses of the sorbent material upon a range of initial concentrations of Cu(II) at different temperatures, agitation time and pH of the Cu(II)- TPJB system. The amount of Cu(II) ion adsorbed on to TPJB surface is found to be 43.11 mg/g (97.4%) under optimized conditions, its efficiency 3 fold times more than the Ce values reported by other researchers. The sorption characteristic of TPJB is quantitatively estimated through column experiments based on the Ce value by batch mode. The removal is observed as 98%. Langmuir, Freundlich and Tempkin isothermal curves at various initial concentrations are plotted for Cu(II)-TPJB system wherein the straight line fit is best suited for the Freundlich isotherm model. The results show that the response of TPJB in trapping Cu(II) ions are influenced by various parameters being statistically verified using SPSS software, indicative of good correlation.Item SYNTHESIS AND CORROSION INHIBITION STUDY OF BENZOTHIAZEPINE DERIVATIVES ON MILD STEEL IN ACID MEDIUM(Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2016-04-12) Sasikala, T; Parameswari, K; Chitra, S2-ethoxy-4-(4-phenyl-2, 3-dihydro-1, 5-benzothiazepin-2-yl) phenol (EPBTZ) and 2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-phenyl-2, 3-dihydro-1, 5-benzothiazepine (MPPBTZ) were synthesized by the condensation reaction between o-aminothiophenol and chalcone. The synthesized benzothiazepines were characterized by FTIR spectra. Their corrosion inhibition property on mild steel in sulphuric acid medium was investigated by weight loss and electrochemical techniques. Scanning electron microscopic studies were employed to examine the surface morphology of the inhibited and uninhibited metal samples. The compound EPBTZ revealed good corrosion protection property than MPPBTZ at all the temperatures studied. Electrochemical studies showed that the inhibitors behave as mixed type inhibitor retarding both cathodic and anodic corrosion reaction by forming an adsorbed protective layer.Item BIOSYNTHESIS OF PVA ENCAPSULATED SILVER NANOPARTICLES(Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2016-10-01) Sharmila, Chandran; Vinuppriya, Ravichandran; Selvi, Chandran; Jincy, Chemmanda; Bellan, ChandarshekarGreensynthesisofmetalnanoparticlesisanimportanttechniqueinthemethodsofeco friendlynanoparticleproduction.ThesynthesisofsilvernanoparticleswasaccomplishedusingOcimumsanctumleafextractatroomtemperature.Theseparticleswerethenencapsulatedwithpolyvinylalcohol(PVA)polymermatrix.ThepresenceofsilverwasconfirmedbydifferentcharacterizationtechniquessuchasUV–visspectroscopy,Fouriertransforminfraredspectroscopy(FTIR)andX-RayDiffraction(XRD).Scanningelectronmicroscopic(SEM)imagesofthesynthesizedpowdershowssphericalshapedsilvernanoparticlesembeddedinsponge-likepolymermatrix.TheenergydispersiveX-rayanalysisconfirmsthepresenceofelementalsilveralongwithironsignal.EnergydispersivesignalcorrespondingtoelementalironhasbeenattributedtoO.sanctumplant.ThesilvernanoparticlesinPVAmatrixthusobtainedshowshighantibacterialactivityagainstgrampositiveStaphylococcusaureus(S.aureus)andgramnegativeEscherichiacoli(E.coli)waterbornebacteria.TheinhibitionzoneagainstS.aureusandE.coliwerealsocalculated