i) 2017 - 37 Documents
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Item ADSORPTION CHARACTERISTICS OF IOTA-CARRAGEENAN AND INULIN BIOPOLYMERS AS POTENTIAL CORROSION INHIBITORS AT MILD STEEL/SULPHURIC ACID INTERFACE(Elsevier, 2017-04) Nirmala Devi, Gowraraju; Saranya, Jagadeesan; Kiruthika, Ayyasamy; Lukman O, Olasunkanmi; Eno E, Ebenso; Chitra, SubramaniThe corrosion inhibition efficiency performance of biopolymers Iota-carrageenan (IC) and Inulin (INU) on mild steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution was evaluated using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The inhibition efficiency of the inhibitors increased with increase in concentration. Thermodynamic parameters (ΔGads) and activation parameters (Ea, ΔHo, ΔSo) were calculated to investigate the mechanism of inhibition. Polarization studies revealed that the studied inhibitors are mixed type. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic (EDX) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies were used to characterize the surface morphology of inhibited and uninhibited mild steel.Item ARCRECTZONE: A LIGHTWEIGHT CURVED RECTANGLE VECTOR BASED SECURE ROUTING FOR MOBILE AD-HOC SENSOR NETWORK(International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 2017-07-09) Viji Gripsy, Jebaseelan; Anithalakshmi, SrinivasanLocation aided routing in Mobile-Ad hoc networks are the most significant process because it limits the route search and allows routing with least messages. Due to the dynamic and uncertain infrastructure of Ad-hoc and sensor networks also creates several security issues like route misbehaviors. This paper aims to develop a new lightweight route selection scheme with the security concern. In this scheme, the routing attack targets are identified and avoided by deploying intellectual watchdog and lightweight key verification mechanisms, the scheme also utilizes the curved rectangle zone selection for shrinking route search space. The scheme is extended to adopt the curved rectangle zone routing for both Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks. The core functionality of the proposed work in terms of cost effective and secure route selection is validated by NS-2 tool. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed approach is cost effective and secure and provides significant performance improvements with least energy consumption.Item ASTER KORAIENSIS AS NONTOXIC CORROSION INHIBITOR FOR MILD STEEL IN SULFURIC ACID(Elsevier, 2017-08-25) Mayakrishnan, Prabakaran; Seung-Hyun, Kim; Nithiyanandham, Mugila; Venkatesan, Hemapriya; Kandasamy, Parameswari; Subramanian, ChitraInhibition efficiency of Aster koraiensis leaf extract toward corrosion of mild steel in 1 M H2SO4 solution was investigated using weight loss, electrochemical, FT-IR, SEM, and EDX methods The individual phenolic compounds present in A. koraiensis extract were identified. Maximum efficiency of 90.53% was achieved at 2000 ppm of the extract. The corrosion kinetic parameters determined from the polarization curves indicated that the extract acted as a mixed-type inhibitor. Adsorption of the inhibitor on the mild steel surface obeyed the Langmuir isotherm. SEM investigations confirmed the formation of inhibition layer unto the metal surface by compounds present in the extract.Item CARICA PAPAYA PEEL MEDIATED SYNTHESIS OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES AND ITS ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY AGAINST HUMAN PATHOGENS(ScienceDirect, 2017-09-28) Balavijayalakshmi, J; Ramalakshmi, VMetallicnanoparticlesaretraditionallysynthesizedbywetchemicaltechniques,inwhichthechemicalsusedarequiteoftentoxicandflammable.Ripecaricapapayapeelisfoundtobeasuitablesourceforgreensynthesisofsilvernanoparticles.Inthepresentwork,acosteffectiveandenvironmentalfriendlytechniqueforthegreensynthesisofsilvernanoparticlesfrom1mMsilvernitrate(AgNO3)solutionthroughtheextractofripeCaricapapayapeelofvariousconcentrations(5ml,10ml,15ml,20ml,25ml)isdescribed.ThesynthesizedsilvernanoparticlesarecharacterizedbyusingtheUV–visabsorptionspectroscopy,FT IR,XRD,SEMandTEM.Theformationofsilvernanoparticlesisconfirmedbysurfaceplasmonresonance,determinedbyUV–visspectraat400–435nm.Theshiftintheabsorptionbandsandvariationinthecalculatedopticalbandgapsforthevariousconcentrationsofpapayapeelsextractsarealsoobserved.TheFT-IRspectrarevealthatanincreaseintheconcentrationofthepapayapeelextractshiftsthebandstohigherwavelengths.TheaveragecrystallitesizeforvariousconcentrationsofpapayapeelextractisobservedfromXRDspectralanalysisandisfoundtobearound16–20nm,whichisingoodagreementwiththeTEManalysis.TheSEManalysisshowsthesphericalstructureofthesilvernanoparticleswithsomeagglomerationforhigherconcentrationsofpapayapeelextract.ThesynthesizedsilvernanoparticlesshowgoodantibacterialactivityagainsthumanpathogenssuchasEscherichiacoliandStaphylococcusaureusandithasmanymedicalapplicationsItem COMPARISON OF THE INHIBITION PROPERTY OF QUINOXALINE DERIVATIVE ON MILD STEEL IN 1.5M H2SO4, 3M HCL AND 1M H3PO4(Journal of materials and Environmental Sciences, 2017) Saranya, J; Sounthari, P; Chitra, SCorrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1.5M H2SO4, 3M HCl and 1M H3PO4 was investigated in the absence and presence of different concentrations of quinoxaline derivative namely 2,3-di(furan-2-yl)quinoxaline(FQ). Weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were employed. Impedance measurements showed that the charge transfer resistance increased and double layer capacitance decreased with increase in the inhibitor concentration. Potentiodynamic polarization study showed that the inhibitor acted as mixedtype inhibitors in all the three acids.Item CORROSION INHIBITION AND ADSORPTION BEHAVIOUR OF SOME BIS-PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES ON MILD STEEL IN ACIDIC MEDIUM(Elsevier, 2017-01) Nagarajan, Anusuya; Jagadeesan, Saranya; Palanisamy, Sounthari; Abdelkader, Zarrouk; Subramanian, ChitraThe inhibition ability of mild steel in 1 M H2SO4 by bis-pyrimidine derivatives was investigated using chemical and electrochemical techniques. Results obtained indicate that bis-derivatives inhibited the corrosion of mild steel in the acid medium. The inhibition efficiency increases with increase in concentration of bis-derivatives but decrease with rise in temperature. Adsorption of bis-derivatives on the steel surface in 1 M H2SO4 follows the Langmuir adsorption model. Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters such as activation energy, enthalpy, entropy and free energy of activation and adsorption were calculated. Gibbs free energy indicated that the adsorption process is spontaneous. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy were used to study morphology of the steel surface. Results obtained from quantum chemical studies show excellent correlations between quantum chemical parameters and experimental inhibition efficiencies using density functional theory (DFT).Item DEEP BELIEF NETWORKS FOR PHONEME RECOGNITION IN CONTINUOUS TAMIL SPEECH–AN ANALYSIS(International Information and Engineering Technology and Association, 2017) Laxmi Sree, Baskaran Raguram; Vijaya Madhaya, Shanmugam. A combination of Gaussian Mixture Model and Hidden Markov Model has been used successfully in building acoustic models for speech recognition. These models have dominated this area for nearly three decades. Re-entry of neural networks in many clustering, classification and pattern recognition problems have triggered current researchers to focus in making use of its power in the area of speech recognition. This article compares the performance of Bernoulli-Bernoulli Deep Belief Networks (BBDBN) and Gaussian-Bernoulli Deep Belief Networks (GBDBN) on phoneme recognition of spoken speech in Tamil. In addition to that the impact of feature representation in the performance of acoustic model is also studied by using three different datasets built using different feature representation for the phoneme samples extracted from the continuous Tamil speech.Item DEVELOPMENT OF SMART CLOTHING FOR MILITARY APPLICATIONS USING THERMOCHROMIC COLORANTS(Taylor & Francis Online, 2017) Karpagam, K R; Saranya, K S; Gopinathan, J; Amitava, BhattacharyyaIn this study, we have developed color changeable (chameleon-type) printings on cotton fabrics using thermochromic colorants for defense applications. Different colored coatings such as light green, dark green, black, brown, and sandal have been developed using blue and orange thermochromic colorants in combination with turmeric (a natural dye) and graphite. The printed color pattern mimics jungle motif design (classic green and brown camouflage) which transforms to desert color motif on application of heat from external sources (using hot air oven or electrical power). The response time and temperature for each color change and recovery were evaluated in case of direct heating. Further, their performance was also tested by providing heat using different electrical power. The CIE L*a*b* values of the colors were measured using spectrophotometer before and after heating. The printed fabrics’ physical properties such as tensile strength, elongation at break, flexural rigidity, and tear strength were also tested before and after printing. The wash property of printed fabrics shows reasonably good fixation of colors to the fabric surface. The chameleon-type camouflage printing described in this work shows promise to use the same fabric for camouflaging at different terrains which essentially reduces the time for shifting troops to different locations.Item EFFECT OF COBALT SUBSTITUTION ON STRUCTURAL AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MAGNESIUM FERRITE NANOPARTICLES(Springer Link, 2017-05-04) Balavijayalakshmi, J; Sudha, TCobalt substituted magnesium ferrite (Mg(1−x)CoxFe2O4, where x = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8) nanoparticles are prepared by co-precipitation method and samples are annealed at 600 °C. The synthesized nanoparticles are characterized using FT-IR spectral analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM ) analysis and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) analysis. The FT-IR spectra show main absorption bands are shifted to higher values as the concentration of cobalt increases. The average nano-crystallite sizes are found to be in the range 7–9 nm. The SEM micrographs show uniformly distributed granular like structure. TEM indicate the presence of rectangular shaped nanoparticles. The magnetic properties of these samples are studied using Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM). As the magnetic properties are enhanced due to the cobalt substitution the synthesized samples can be used as a gas sensor.Item EFFECT OF SYNTHESIS CONDITIONS ON FORMATION, ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES, AND SEEBECK COEFFICIENT OF P-TYPE CA3CO4O9±Δ THERMOELECTRIC CERAMICS(Springer Link, 2017-01-05) Radhika, T; Raghu, N; Powrnami, N; Jothi Ramalingam, R; Hamad A, Al-LohedanCa3Co4O9±δ ceramic powders have been prepared by a solid-state method. The calcination and sintering temperatures and reaction conditions were varied to achieve highly dense materials for thermoelectric applications. The optimized calcination temperature and reaction conditions were derived. X-ray diffraction patterns showed formation of secondary phases for longer calcination duration. The density of the ceramics ranged from 3.2 g cm−3 to 3.4 g cm−3, not varying greatly with the calcination/sintering conditions. The electrical properties and Seebeck coefficient reveal that the density and nonstoichiometry greatly influenced the achievement of good thermoelectric properties. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showed fine particles with nanosize, strongly bound together to form metal-rich particle aggregates. Tubular morphology below 50 nm to 100 nm scale was observed in TEM images of as-prepared solid-state Ca3Co4O9±δ . As-prepared samples showed improved electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient, suitable for thermoelectric applications.Item ELECTRODEPOSITION OF WO3 NANOSTRUCTURED THIN FILMS FOR ELECTROCHROMIC AND H2S GAS SENSOR APPLICATIONS(Elsevier, 2017-09-30) Poongodi, S; Palaniswamy, Suresh Kumar; Mangalaraj, D; Ponpandian, N; Meena, P; Yoshitake, Masuda; Chongmu, LeeIn this work, Vertically oriented WO3 nanoflakes array films was synthesized via the template free facile electrodeposition method at room temperature. WO3 nanoflakes arrays was adopted as an effective cathode electrode material in the electrochemical devices structure. The WO3 material exhibits superior electrochromic performance shows a larger optical modulation (68.89% at 550 nm), faster response time (tb = 1.93 s, tc = 2.87 s), a higher coloration efficiency of about 154.93 cm2 C−1 and with excellent cyclic stability over 2000 cycles without any degradation. Futhermore, WO3 nanoflakes array film was used for the detection of H2S gas that showed excellent response. A considerable increase in porosity and high surface roughness could be conducive for such an excellent and superior electrochromic characteristic as well as gas sensing performances. These results indicates that fabricated WO3 nanoflakes array film by a simple strategy holds a great promise for potential multifunctional applications such as smart windows, gas sensors and optical sensors.Item ENSEMBLE LEARNING FOR IDENTIFYING MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY DISEASES USING CODON BIAS PATTERN(Springer Link, 2017-03-17) Sathyavikasini, K; Vijaya, M SHereditary traits are anticipated by the mutations in the gene sequences. Identifying a disease based on mutations is an essential and challenging task in the determination of genetic disorders such as Muscular dystrophy. Silent mutation is a single nucleotide variant does not result in changes in the encoded protein but appear in the variation of codon usage pattern that results in disease. A new ensemble learning-based computational model is proposed using the synonymous codon usage for identifying the muscular dystrophy disease. The feature vector is designed by calculating the Relative Synonymous Codon Usage (RSCU) values from the mutated gene sequences and a model is built by adopting codon usage bias pattern. This paper addresses the problem by formulating it as multi-classification trained with feature vectors of fifty-nine RSCU frequency values from the mutated gene sequences. Finally, a model is built based on ensemble learning LibD3C algorithm to recognize muscular dystrophy disease classification. Experiments showed that the accuracy of the classifier shows 90%, which proves that ensemble-based learning, is effective for predicting muscular dystrophy disease.Item EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL STUDIES ON INHIBITION OF BENZOTHIAZINES AGAINST CORROSION OF MILD STEEL IN ACIDIC MEDIUM(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017-05-02) Venkatesan, Hemapriya; Mayakrishnan, Prabakaran; Kandasamy, Parameswari; Subramaniyan, Chitra; Seung-Hyun, Kim; Ill-Min, ChungThe aim of this paper was to investigate the corrosion inhibition potential of two synthesized benzothiazines, namely, 3,4-dihydro-2-methoxycarbonylmethyl-3-oxo-2H-1,4-benzothiazine (1) and ethyl 3-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzothiazine-2-carboxylate (2) on mild steel corrosion in 1M H2SO4.Item IMPACT OF ANNEALING ON STRUCTURAL AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MANGANESE CO-DOPED MAGNESIUM-COBALT FERRITE NANOPARTICLES(Springer Link, 2017-05-04) Balavijayalakshmi, J; Annie Josphine, CManganese co-doped magnesium-cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (Mg0.4Co0.4Mn0.2Fe2O4) are synthesized by co-precipitation method and are annealed at 130, 600 and 900 °C. The synthesized nanoparticles are characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, FT-IR spectral analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM ) analysis and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM ) analysis. The crystallite size is found to be 17 and 19.6 nm for the samples annealed at 600 and 900 °C respectively. The crystallite size and lattice constant increases as the samples are annealed at higher temperatures. FT-IR analysis confirms the characteristic absorption bands at 590 and 546 cm−1 for tetrahedral sites and 416 cm−1 for octahedral sites. SEM analysis shows uniformly distributed spherical shaped nanoparticles. The microstructure and particle size are analyzed by TEM analysis. The saturation magnetization, remanent magnetization and coercivity increases due to the inclusion of manganese and as the annealing temperature increases. These samples can be used for gas sensing applications.Item AN INVESTIGATION APPROACH ON THE SEQUESTRATION OF DIVALENT METAL IONS EMPLOYING ANIMAL WASTE(Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2017-04-23) Gayathri, N S; Muthulakshmi Andal, N; Anuradha, JThe current investigation deals with utilizing Treated Goat Hoof (TGH), a no cost material derived from butcher shop for the removal of Pb(II) and Cd(II) ions from aqueous media. FTIR / SEM analyses are carried out for the functional groups identification and describe the surface morphology of the chosen material respectively. Batch studies are experimented under varied operating factors viz., particle size, dosage, initial concentration, contact time and pH of the medium to assess the sorptive nature of the chosen material. Verification of the experimental data reveal the optimized conditions for the uptake of Pb(II) and Cd(II) by TGH. Langmuir model registered the best linearity amongst the isothermal plots derived for Langmuir, Freundlich and Tempkin models. Experimental results of both the systems: Pb(II) – TGH and Cd(II)- TGH are subjected to Statistical tool analyses using SPSS 20 software for significance and correlation assessment.Item ISOLATION, SPECTROSCOPIC AND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF HYDRAZINIUM TRIS(OXYDIACETATO)LANTHANATE(III) HEMI(PENTAHYDRATE)(Springer Link, 2017-02-21) Kanchana, P; Packiaraj, S; Pushpaveni, A; Govindarajan, SOil-bath reaction of respective metal nitrate with an aqueous mixture of oxydiacetic acid (H2oda) and hydrazine hydrate led to the formation of crystalline compounds with formula (N2H5)3[Ln(oda)3]·2.5H2O (where Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd and Sm), which are stable for a week and undergo efflorescence. The resulting complexes were characterized by infrared spectral, thermal (air and nitrogen atmosphere), UV–visible and PXRD studies. From the thermal studies, both in air and nitrogen atmosphere, these compounds show endothermic dehydration below 100 °C to give anhydrous compounds. Next, the anhydrous compounds (in air) undergo endothermic decomposition between 190 and 225 °C to form Ln(Hoda)3 intermediate, which further show exothermic decomposition to yield respective metal oxide as the end residue. But, in nitrogen atmosphere, the same anhydrous compounds exhibit endo-followed by exothermic decompositions to give respective metal as end product. This is observed as a continuous single step of decomposition in TG. The structure of (N2H5)3[Nd(oda)3]·2.5H2O has been determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. The neodymium atom is coordinated by nine oxygen atoms from three tridentate (O, O, O) oxydiacetate ions with tricapped trigonal prismatic geometry. In addition, both the parent acid and its compounds display strong fluorescent emission due to the ligand, which renders them as fluorescent materials at room temperature.Item MITIGATING AND RESOLVING DISTRIBUTED DENIAL-OF-SERVICE ATTACKS WITH ENHANCED RANDOM ANONYMOUS PATH IDENTIFIERS(IEEE, 2017-10) Srileka, S; Sophia Reena, GA Distributed Denial of Service flooding attack in the network performed implicitly and as well as explicitly by the attacker or victim. This attempt is performed to overload the server, generate malicious traffic or interrupting the service. This issue crashes the host and the host's service will be unavailable to the legitimate users. The flexible nature of the network always suffers from DDoS flooding, spoofed source address, and packet or content forgery. Although several defense systems have been proposed by researchers, the problem remains largely unresolved and unreliable for many attacks. Very few researches are interests in using path identifiers (PID) to mitigate the DDoS flooding attacks in the network. But, the existing PIDs are static. The static PIDs are also insecure. To address the above issue, in this paper, we developed the design, implementation, and evaluation of DSPID, a framework that uses dynamic secure PIDs (DSPID) verified with every packet to avoid the DDoS flooding, forgery and spoofing attacks. The proposed system also avoids the selective flooding attack by providing anonymous node id for every node in the network. The proposed system comprises three aspects such as Detect the attack, mitigates the effects of attack and resolves the attack by tracing the source of attack. The proposed mechanism successfully identifies and authenticates the node by the DSPID and anonymous node id. And the system responds to the threat by applying a discriminative rate limit on the malicious traffic flow towards the victim, based on the severity of the attack traffic from each machine and the duration of attack persistence. The proposed system is simple but highly effective in detecting and mitigating distributed denial of service flooding, forgery and spoofing attacks. The experiments and results shows the proposed system achieved better result in terms of several QOS parameters.Item MULTI-LABEL CLASSIFICATION: PROBLEM TRANSFORMATION METHODS IN TAMIL PHONEME CLASSIFICATION(Elsevier, 2017) Pushpa, M; Karpagavalli, SMost of the supervised learning task has been carried out using single label classification and solved as binary or multiclass classification problems. The hierarchical relationship among the classes leads to Multi- Label (ML) classification which is learning from a set of instances that are associated with a set of labels. In Tamil language, phonemes fall into different categories according to place and manner of articulation. This motivates the application of multi-label classification methods to classify Tamil phonemes. Experiments are carried out using Binary Relevance (BR) and Label Powerset (LP) and BR’s improvement Classifier Chains (CC) methods with different base classifiers and the results are analysed.Item NANO-SHEET-LIKE KNIPO4 AS A POSITIVE ELECTRODE MATERIAL FOR AQUEOUS HYBRID SUPERCAPACITORS(Elsevier, 2017-08-20) Priyadharsini, N; Kalai Selvan, RA facile sol-gel thermolysis route was adopted to synthesize KNiPO4 nano-sheets for the design of hybrid supercapacitors. The phase purity, homogeneity, and functional groups present in the synthesized KNiPO4 were characterized through X-ray diffraction and FTIR measurements. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showed that the nano-sheet-like particles were loosely stacked. The electrochemical properties of the KNiPO4 electrode were studied in various aqueous-based electrolytes such as 1 M LiOH, 1 M NaOH, and 1 M KOH to explore their superior performances. Among these electrolytes, the KNiPO4 electrode provided a maximum specific capacity of 278 C g−1 in 1 M KOH at 5 mV s−1. A hybrid supercapacitor was fabricated using the synthesized KNiPO4 as the positive electrode and activated carbon as the negative electrode in a 1 M KOH aqueous electrolyte. The supercapacitor exhibited a specific capacitance of 48 F g−1 in 1 M KOH at 0.6 mA cm−2 and energy density of 13 Wh kg−1 at a power density of 59 W kg−1. In addition, the hybrid system retained 93% of its initial specific capacitance even after 2000 cycles. A KNiPO4-based hybrid system thus exhibits superior characteristics and hence is a promising candidate for high-performance electrochemical energy storage devices.Item POLYAMIDOAMINOEPICHLOROHYDRIN RESIN A NOVEL SYNTHETIC ANTI-CORROSIVE WATER SOLUBLE POLYMER FOR MILD STEEL(Elsevier, 2017-08) Nirmala Devi, G; Saranya, J; Manjubaashini, N; Daniel Thangadurai, T; Selvaraj Mohana, Roopan; Chitra, SA novel polyamidoaminoepichlorohydrin resin was prepared and analyzed using spectroscopy techniques and its anti-corrosion properties were studied and observed. Inhibition efficiency was calculated by impedance spectroscopy, loss in weight and potentiodynamic polarization. Authors inferred results as the inhibitors tested differently are acted as better anti-corrosive agent. The thermodynamic data of activation were determined. The adsorption of resin on the steel surface was calculated according to Langmuir adsorption theory. A surface study was performed using SEM, AFM, FT-IR and XRD. Inhibition mechanism was deduced from concentration and temperature dependence of inhibition efficiency, Langmuir adsorption, SEM and AFM results.