F-KCW-Department Publications
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Item ANTI-CORROSION PROPERTIES OF BENZOTHIAZOLE DERIVATIVES FOR MILD STEEL IN 1M H2SO4 SOLUTION(Chemical Science Review and Letters, 2014) Hemapriya V; Parameswari K; Chitra SThe corrosion inhibition performance of benzothiazole derivatives namely, 2-phenylbenzothiazole(PBT), 2-(4- methoxy-phenyl)benzothiazole(MPB) and 2-(3,4,5- trimethoxy-phenyl)benzothiazole(TPB) on mild steel in 1M H2SO4 has been studied by weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The experimental results showed that the inhibition efficiency increases with increase in inhibitor concentration but decreases with increasing temperature. The inhibition has been assumed to occur via adsorption of inhibitors on mild steel surface. This is supported by the results obtained from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Adsorption of inhibitors on mild steel surface follows Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The activation energy and free energy of adsorption for the inhibition reaction support the mechanism of physical adsorption. Potentiodynamic polarization measurements indicate that the studied benzothiazole derivatives act as mixed inhibitors. Quantum chemical calculations have been performed and quantum chemical indices were calculated to supplement the experimental results.Item UTILIZATION OF MODIFIED ELEPHAS MAXIMUS DUNG AS OXYFLUORFEN SEQUESTRANT: ADSORPTION AND KINETIC MODELING STUDIES(2023-04-14) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Preethi GThis chapter aims to focus on sequestration of Oxyfluorfen from aqueous media employing Elephas maximus dung (EMD), a natant biowaste, seldom reported elsewhere. Attention is sought on Oxyfluorfen, one of the most employed herbicides for controlling the growth of annual broadleaf and grassy weeds. Oxyfluorfen is classified as low acute toxicity compound by the World Health Organization (WHO) and by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, appropriate disposal of redundant Elephas maximus dung (EMD) is critical for environmental protection through utilization of resources. The experiment is set up in batch mode with various operational elements such as particle size, initial Oxyfluorfen concentration, MEMD dosage, contact time, pH, and temperature. The results, which were evaluated using isothermal and kinetic models, suggest that the Langmuir isotherm and Pseudo II Order kinetic model suit the data well, with the maximum amount of oxyfluorfen removal of 88.9%. It has been determined that Elephas maximus dung (EMD) powder has the highest potential for the abstraction of Oxyfluorfen, hence supporting an alternative environmentally benign procedure, based on the derived observations, supported by theoretical calculations.Item APPLICATION OF COBALT FERRITE DOPED ACTIVATED CARBON – COMPOSITE IN TEXTILE DYE REMOVAL(Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2018) Thangamani K S; Muthulakshmi Andal NProsopis juliflora Bark Activated Carbon-Cobalt Ferrite Magnetic Composite (PJBAC-CFC) was synthesized by auto-combustion method and employed for the removal of Reactive red 152 (RR152) from aqueous solutions. Thre prepared composite was characterized by powder XRD, SEM and EDAX. Operating factors influencing the rate of adsorption viz., initial dye concentrations, doses of sorbent materials, preset time intervals and variable pH environments are substantiated by batch equilibration method. Conditions have been optimized for the maximum removal of DB2 (96%) from 100 mg/L initial concentration, 100 mg adsorbent dose, 60 min contact time and pH2. The maximum sorption capacity of PJBAC-CFC as calculated from equilibrium concentration data is 125mg/g. Magnetized composite material exhibited sorption characteristics. The isothermal adsorption data fits well with Freundlich isotherm. The outcome of the present work indicates that PJBAC-CFC can be effectively used as a cost effective potential adsorbent for trapping the dye molecules.Item EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF GREEN MATERIALS IN THE EVICTION OF PHOSPHATE IONS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY(Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2018) Vivithabharathi K; ShyamalaDevi N; Muthulakshmi Andal NPhosphate ions from various sources viz., fertilizers, agricultural runoff and sewagewastewaters discharged into water bodies either directly or indirectly may causeeutrophication and death of aquatic plants. Efficiencies of Camellia sinensis stems (CSS) andPistachio vera hull(PVH) in trapping phosphate ions from aqueous solutions is verifiedthrough Batch Equilibration Method. Excess alkaline nature of CSS & PVH is reduced byneutralization, treating with 0.1N H2SO4 and HCl for 3hours each respectively and thereafterreferred to as TCSSD and TPVHP. Characterization studies of the treated materials are carried out using Optika microscope, FTIR spectrophotometer and SEM/EDAX analyses.Optimization is established under variable operating parameters viz., particle sizes anddosages of the sorbent materials, agitation time between sorbent’s and sorbate species, initialconcentrations and pH of the medium. A judicious comparison between the two studiedsystems viz., PO43- - TCSSD and PO43- - TPVHP registered 99% sorption of the anion with theparticle size of 0.18mm, 250mg dosage, 10mg/L initial concentration and pH 5 but forvariation in agitation time intervals, where TCSSD exhibited maximum sorptive efficiency at9 minutes against TPVHP, which recorded 12 minutes. Experimental data are validated withLangmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms, where the best linear fit is registered forFreundlich plot in case of the former and Langmuir plot for the latter. Outcomes of the workprove the employed materials to be promising in confiscating phosphate ions and shall beprogressed towards mitigation of effluents.Item A COLLATIVE STUDY ON THE SORPTIVE NATURE OF TREATED/ NANOSIZED MATERIALS IN SEQUESTERING NICKEL IONS(Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2018) Gayathri N S; Anuradha J; Muthulakshmi Andal NPresence of toxic heavy metals and synthetic chemicals exceeding their permissible limits in ground, surface and drinking waters has severe impact on human and aquatic life. The present work emphasizes the sorption efficiency of acid treated Prosopis juliflora Bark (TPJB) and its derived nano material in the process of Ni(ll) uptake from aqueous solutions. Acid treatment of raw material, subsequent nano sizing through ball-milling method have enhanced the metal retention property correspondingly. The size and the characterization of the material are supported by the optical microscopic, AFM, SEM and EDAX analyses. A twofold increase in the amounts of Ni(ll) adsorbed (mg/g) is registered by the prepared nanomaterial at the dosage of 150 mg against 300 mg required for TPJB under fixed optimized conditions. This collative study confirms the augmentation of active sorption sites in the nano particles, leading to effective adsorption at lower doses itself.Item OPTIMIZATION OF A NOVEL AGRICULTURAL LITTER IN THE CD(II) SORPTION FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS(Bharathidasan Institute of Technology, Anna University, Trichy, 2017) Gayathri N.S; Muthulakshmi Andal N; Anuradha JHeavy metal remediation of aqueous streams is of special concern due to recalcitrant and persistency in the environment. In this study, Cadmium pollution is dealt with due to its well-known toxicity and extensive use in industries such as storage – battery manufacture, photographic materials. Biosorption is emerging as a potential alternative to the already existing conventional technologies for the metal recovery from aqueous solutions. Agricultural waste material being highly efficient, economically viable and renewable source is exploited for metal remediation. The sorption efficiency of the acid treated Tamarindusindicahull(TTIH) has been investigated in the removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solutions. Batch equilibration experiments are carried out under varied operating factors viz., effects of particle sizes, dosages, agitation time intervals, initial concentrations and pH of the medium. The chosen material exhibited 85% removal at optimized conditions of 0.18 mm particle size, 300 mg dosage, 15 min, 100 mg/L Cd(II) ion concentration and pH 7. Isothermal models viz., Langmuir and Freundlich models are verified where the best linear fit is registered for Langmuir plot favouring monolayer adsorption. The observed results indicate that TTH is a promising sorbent in chelating Cd(II) ions and their applicability at industrial scale is prominent.Item REMOVAL OF CU(II) IONS USING PROSOPIS JULIFLORA BARK ACTIVATED CARBON- ISOTHERMAL AND KINETIC STUDIES(Dr. NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 2017) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Thangamani KSCopper is one of the prior pollutants discharged from industries like textile, mining, metallurgical and smelting operations into aqueous streams. The tolerance limit of copper in potable water has been fixed as 0.05mg/L. Exposure to higher concentration of copper causes severe mucosal irritation, widespread capillary damage, hepatic and renal damage, and irritation of the central nervous system followed by depression. Hence, the present study deals with the removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solution using naturally occurring material, Prosopis juliflora bark (PJB). The plant waste was chemically treated, activated and utilized for the adsorption of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions. The effect of various parameters such as pH of the solution, dosages of adsorbent, contact time and initial concentration of metal ion solution were investigated. The morphology of the adsorbent surface was analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for both unloaded and loaded material. The linearity of the plot for Freundlich model suggests that the Cu(II) – PJBAC system obeyed Freundlich isotherm amongst the studied Langmuir, Freundlich and Tempkin models. The adsorption process was found to follow a pseudo second order kinetic model. The outcome of the present work indicates that the employed adsorbent has excellent sorption characteristics in the removal of Cu(II) ions.Item ADSORPTION OF COBALT IONS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS EMPLOYING TREATED FRUIT SHELLS OF TERMINALIA CATAPPA(BonfringTM, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University), 2013) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Charulatha SVarious modification procedures of Terminalia catappafruit shells were tried for the removal of Co(II) ions from aqueous solutions, where citric acid treatment showed prominent sorption capacity at pH 7 .Item REMOVAL OF NICKEL(II) FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION USING AZARIDACHTAINDICA SEED SHELL POWDER AS ADSORBENT(BonfringTM, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University), 2013) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Gohulavani GPretreated Azaridachtaindica could be used as an effective biosorbent for the treatment of wastewater containing Ni ions.Item ADSORPTION CAPACITY OF A NATURALLY OCCURRING POLYMER IN THE REMOVAL OF NITRATE IONS(Scitech Publications, SRM University, 2011) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Shanmugapriya GOur drinking water today, far from being pure, contains some 200 deadly commercial chemicals. The latest report indicates that about 15% of the total rural habitations of our country are facing many water quality problems, one mainly due to excess nitrate contamination. Nitrate contamination of ground water depends upon climate, fertilizers or manure management, soil, crop and farming systems. Infants are more susceptible to nitrate toxicity than older children or adults. The major source of intake of nitrate is drinking water. In the absence of alternate safe drinking water resources, various chemical methods are adopted to reduce nitrate levelswithin the prescribed permission limits as a preventive and control measure. The present study has identified chitin, a naturally occurring polymer to possess effective sorption capacity towards nitrate ions. The sorptive characteristics of the polymer have been studied extensively and quantitatively by employing Batch equilibration and column methods. The influence of variable factors viz., particle size, dosage, initial concentration, contact time, co-ions and temperature have been carried out to assess the efficiency of the nitrate-chitin system. Verification of the sorption isotherm viz., Freundlich, Langmuir, Tempkin have been found to fit well illustrated by the linearity of the plots. Thermodynamic parameters calculated to describe the nature of the sorption, support the feasibility of the system. Desorption studies conducted, ensures the regeneration capacity of the spent sorbent.