F-KCW-Department Publications
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Item 1,3,4-OXADIAZOLE DIMERS: NEW AND EFFECTIVE CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR MILD STEEL IN SULPHURIC ACID SOLUTION(Council for Innovative Research, 2014-05-30) Sounthari P; Kiruthika A; Saranya J; Parameswari K; Chitra SThe corrosion inhibition property of 1,3,4-oxadazoledimers have been investigated for mild steel in acidic environment using gravimetric method, Tafel polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS), scanning electron microscope(SEM), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and adsorption isotherm. The results revealed that 1,3,4-oxadiazole dimers had excellent corrosion inhibition property for mild steel in 1M H2SO4 acid media and its inhibitive efficiency was more than 99% even with a low concentration of 1000ppm.The adsorption of the organic compounds on the mild steel surface obeyed Langmuir adsorption isotherm. IR spectra and SEM proved the adsorption of organic inhibitors and the formation of corrosion products on the mild steel surface.Item 2,3′˗DIAMINO˗4,4′˗STILBENEDICARBOXYLIC ACID SENSITIZER FOR DYE SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS: QUANTUM CHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013-10-01) Senthilkumar P; Nithya C; Anbarasan P MThe metal-free organic dye sensitizer 2,3′-diamino-4,4′-stilbenedicarboxylic acid has been investigated for the first time for dye-sensitized solar cell applications. Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) calculations (performed using the hybrid functional B3LYP) were carried out to analyze the geometry, electronic structure, polarizability, and hyperpolarizability of 2,3′-diamino-4,4′-stilbenedicarboxylic acid used as a dye sensitizer. A TiO2 cluster was used as a model semiconductor when attempting to determine the conversion efficiency of the selected dye sensitizer. Our TD-DFT calculations demonstrated that the twenty lowest-energy excited states of 2,3′-diamino-4,4′-stilbenedicarboxylic acid are due to photoinduced electron-transfer processes. Moreover, interfacial electron transfer between a TiO2 semiconductor electrode and the dye sensitizer occurs through electron injection from the excited dye to the semiconductor’s conduction band. Results reveal that metal-free 2,3′-diamino-4,4′-stilbenedicarboxylic acid is a simple and efficient sensitizer for dye-sensitized solar cell applications.Item 3-HYDROXY-2-NAPHTHOATE COMPLEXES OF TRANSITION METALS WITH HYDRAZINE - PREPARATION, SPECTROSCOPIC AND THERMAL STUDIES(E-Journal of Chemistry, 2009-08-10) Arunadevi N; Vairam SReaction of hydrazine and 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid with some transition metal ions forms two types of complexes: (i) [M(N2H4 ){C10H6 (3- O)(2-COO)(H2O)2 ] where M=Ni, Co, Cd and Zn, at pH 9 and (ii) [M(N2H5 )2{C10H6 (3-O)(2-COO)}2 ].xH2O where M=Ni & x =1; M=Co, Cd, Mn& x=3; and M=Zn, Cu & x =0 at pH 4. Analytical data confirms the compositions of the complexes. The acid shows dianionic nature in these complexes. The magnetic moments and electronic spectra suggest the geometry of the complexes. IR data indicates the nature of hydrazine and presence of water in the complexes. Simultaneous TG-DTA studies shows different thermal degradation patterns for the two types of complexes. The first type shows formation of no stable intermediates whereas the second type shows the respective metal hydroxynaphthoate intermediates. The final products in both the types are found to be metal oxides of nano size. XRD patterns show isomorphism among the complexes with similar molecular formulae.Item 3D NANOMANIPULATION: DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS OF FUNCTIONAL NANOSTRUCTURED BIO-MATERIALS(IOP Science, 2020) Lega P V; Orlov A P; Frolov A V; Subramani R; Irzhak A V; Koledov V V; Smolovich A M; Shelyakov A VRecent progress in the development of the new functional materials opens up exciting possibilities for designing reconfigurable micro- and nano-structures and for operating mechanical nanotools which are controlled by external fields or heat. The nanotools such as nanotweezers with an active layer thickness of about several tenths of nm, and whose overall size is of the order of 1 µm can be applied to different micro- and nanoobjects. The present report gives an overview of the application of mechanical nanotools in 3D nanomanipulation of bio-nano objects such as micro biofibers DNA etc. The future prospects of mechanical bottom up nanomanipulation for biomedical technology, food technology are discussed.Item AARAAM VAKUPPU MAANAVARKALUKKU TAMIL PAADAM KATRALIL ERPADUM SIKKALKAL(Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya Collage Of Arts and Science,Coimbatore, 2016-02-09) V, DHANABAGYALAKSHMIThe sixth grade students have difficulties in learning Tamil lesson. The purpose of this article is to examine them.Item AAZHI SOOL ULAKU NAVOLIN KATHAI KARUVUM KATHAIYAMAIVUM(Tamil aiyya veliyitagam,Thiruvaiyaru - Kongunaadu Arts & Science college, 2015-07-11) D, SavithaThrough this article, we learned that the story of the novel is set in a unique way, that the story of the paradigm of the life of the parathavas, and the story of the life and family problems of the people who live in the sea, is perfectly aligned with the fiction of the paradigmItem AAZHISOOL ULAKU NOVELIN VAZHI BHARATHAVARKALIN PANPAADUKALUM SAMUKA SIKKALKALUM(Journal of Tamil Studies shanlax International, 2018-07) D, SavithaThe Article describes how the life of people (fisherman) of land has play with the sea wave and become subservient to it.Item ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF THE BACKBONE TAILORED GA AND CT NUCLEIC ACID STRANDS(Indian Journals.com, 2020-09-19) Indumathi K; Praveena GThe excitation properties of peptidic chain tailored single strand nucleic acids such as GA (purine strand) and CT (pyrimidine strand) was studied using Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT). The existence of ground state geometries of the GA and CT were confirmed by the optimization at B3LYP/6–31G* level of theory from DFT method. The singlet excitation calculations were also made for considered systems at the same level of theory used for optimization. In order to understand the effect of tailoring the peptidic chain as a backbone instead of phosphate group in natural nucleic acid constructs, the various excited electronic properties such as HOMO-LUMO energy gap (Egap), vertical excitation energy (VE), oscillator strength (OS) and UV-vis gap and DOS spectrum were calculated. The results revealed that the absorption properties of both strands significantly enhanced when compared to the natural nucleic acid strands, which suggested that the replacement of the DNA backbone had great potential towards improved excitation properties for electronic and optical related applications.Item ACCELERATION ARTIFICIAL BEE COLONY OPTIMIZATION-ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR OPTIMAL FEATURE SELECTION OVER BIG DATA(Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, 2012-09) S, Meera; B, Rosiline JeethaFinding an appropriate set of features from data of high dimensionality for building an accurate classification model is challenging in recent years. In the preceding research, Acceleration Particle Swarm Optimization–Support Vector Machine (APSO-SVM) and Acceleration Artificial Bee Colony –Improved Transductive SVM (AABC-ITSVM) is introduced to handle the feature selection process over big data. However these methods are issues with computational complexity and accuracy of dataset. To avoid the above mentioned issues, in the proposed system, AABC-Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is proposed. This research contains modules are such as preprocessing, feature selection and classification. In preprocessing, k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm is applied which is used to handle the noise data efficiently. The size of the dataset is reduced significantly. Then these features are taken into feature selection process. In this research, AABC algorithm is used for performing feature selection. AABC optimization algorithm is used to select the important and relevant features from the preprocessed data. Then classification is done by using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and it classifies more accurate classification results for the given large volume of dataset. ANN contains three layers are such as input, hidden and output layer. It is proposed to improve the time complexity by using neurons. The experimental result proves that the proposed system gives superior performance in terms of higher accuracy, recall, precision, f-measure, and lower time complexity by using AABC-ANN approach.Item ACCELERATION ARTIFICIAL BEE COLONY OPTIMIZATION-IMPROVED TRANSDUCTIVE SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE FOR EFFICIENT FEATURE SELECTION IN BIG DATA STREAM MINING.(Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 2017-04) S, Meera; B, Rosiline JeethaHigh dimensional data seen in a practical issue imposes a hurdle for large data analysis. Attribute reduction or feature selection aids the learning algorithm to work with efficiency by eliminating unnecessary and repetitive information in the big data. The existing system like Acceleration Particle Swarm Optimization–Support Vector Machine (APSO-SVM) is proposed in order to deal with the above challenge. But the already existing technique has issues in addition to the pre-processing technique and optimal feature selection for scalable dataset. Therefore the system’s overall performance is decreased significantly. With the aim of eliminating these problems, in the proposed system, Acceleration Artificial Bee Colony –Improved Transductive SVM (AABC-ITSVM) is introduced so as to improve the system performance in a more efficient manner. The proposed system comprises of three important modules like preprocessing, feature selection and classification. The preprocessing is carried out by making use of min-max normalization algorithm that assists in increasing the classification accuracy more. Thereafter the feature selection is carried out by employing AABC optimization algorithm that is utilized for selecting the significant and necessary features from the data that is preprocessed. The selected features are classified by employing ITSVM algorithm. The ITSVMs gets the labeling of the test features, which increases the margin conjoined on the training and the test data. It yields classification results with more accuracy for the datasets specified. The proposed system offers great performance with regard to superior accuracy, recall, sensitivity, specificity, precision, f-measure, gmean, and lesser selected features, time complexity by utilizing the AABCITSVM technique.Item ACCESS AND USAGE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES BY ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE STUDENTS IN COIMBATORE CITY(IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2019-03) D, VijayalakshmiIn this Digital era, social networking sites play an imperative role in the society for communication and interaction. It is an online pedestal to share information, ideas, content, etc., through virtual communication and network. College students are the avid users of social net working sites. It assists them to obtain information regarding academic matters and also to build cordial relationship with teachers and class mates. A sample of 200 respondents from 10 arts and science colleges has been taken for the study by adopting convenience sampling technique. The statistical tools, such as, percentage analysis, multiple response analysis, and chi square test have been applied to analyse the data. The study has concluded that the majority of the students are using face book and you tube. They are familiar with chatting, texting of messages and building of group conversation. They used to access social networking sites at any time anywhere on daily basis for a minimum of one hour. The study has also revealed that the demographic factors, such as, age, sex, and students doing part time job have a significant association with the number of years of using social networking sites and age has a significant association with the number of times of accessing social networking sites per day.Item ACENAPHTHO[1,2-B]QUINOXALINE AND ACENAPHTHO[1,2-B]PYRAZINE AS CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR MILD STEEL IN ACID MEDIUM(Elsevier, 2016) J, Saranya; P, Sounthari; K, Parameswari; S, ChitraThe corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1 M H2SO4 using acenaphtho[1,2-b]quinoxaline and acenaphtho[1,2-b]pyrazine at 303–333 K have been investigated. The study was performed using weight loss method, potentiodynamic polarization, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Polarization measurements proved that the inhibitors behave as mixed-type. EIS data showed that the charge transfer resistance of mild steel increases in acid solution containing inhibitors. The surface morphology was evaluated using scanning electron microscope (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. Density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) basis set level was performed. Excellent correlation was found between experimental and theoretical results.Item ACETYLCHOLINE ESTERASE, ACETYLCHOLINE, SUCCINIC DEHYDROGENASE AND LACTIC DEHYDROGENASE CHANGES IN THE FRESH WATER FOOD FISH CHANNA STRIATA AFTER EXPOSURE TO CLEISTANTHUS COLLINUS SUICIDAL PLANT EXTRACT(Global Research Online, Bangalore, India, 2011-07-01) Palanisamy P; Mallikaraj D; Sasikala G; Natarajan G MAbstract: The enzymes Acetylcholinesterase (AchE), Acetylcholine (Ach), Succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) and Lactatedehydrogenase (LDH) are used as biological markers in the present study. Enzymes are highly sensitive and used to evaluate the biological effects of suicidal plant extract Cleistanthus collinus in freshwater food fish Channa striata. A significant increase in the Ach, LDH and SDH activity in muscle, liver and gill were observed. The AchE activity significantly declined by -49.80% liver, -45.00% gills and -38.03% in liver.Item THE ACID ADDUCTS HYDRAZINIUM 2-HYDROXYBENZOATE–2-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID (1/1) AND HYDRAZINIUM 3-HYDROXY-2-NAPHTHOATE–3-HYDROXY-2-NAPHTHOIC ACID (1/1)(Elsevier, 2012-02-07) Arunadevi N; Devipriya S; Vairam SThe title molecular salts, N2H5+·C7H5O3−·C7H6O3 and N2H5+·C11H7O3−·C11H8O3, are acid adducts containing a hydrazinium cation, one molecule of a deprotonated acid and one molecule of a neutral acid. The two compounds contain essentially identical hydrogen-bond networks between the hydrazinium cation and the acid molecules, which define closely comparable two-dimensional layers in the structures. The planes of the aromatic rings within both structures are approximately parallel and the layers are stacked with comparable intermolecular interactions.Item THE ACID ADDUCTS HYDRAZINIUM 2-HYDROXYBENZOATE–2-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID (1/1) AND HYDRAZINIUM 3-HYDROXY-2-NAPHTHOATE–3-HYDROXY2-NAPHTHOIC ACID (1/1)(ActaCrystallographica Section C Crystal Structure Communications (ActaCrystallogr C), 2011-12-19) Arunadevi N; Vairam SThe title molecular salts, N2H5 + C7H5O3 C7H6O3 and N2H5 + - C11H7O3 C11H8O3, are acid adducts containing a hydraziniumcation, one molecule of a deprotonated acid and one molecule of a neutral acid. The two compounds contain essentially identical hydrogen-bond networks between the hydraziniumcation and the acid molecules, which define closely comparable two-dimensional layers in the structures. The planes of the aromatic rings within both structures are approximately parallel and the layers are stacked with comparable intermolecular interactions.Item ACTIVE-POLYPHENOLIC-COMPOUNDS-RICH GREEN INHIBITOR FOR THE SURFACE PROTECTION OF LOW CARBON STEEL IN ACIDIC MEDIUM(World Science Publishing Company, 2019-08-28) Chung, Ill-Min; Venkatesan, Hemapriya; Ponnusamy, Kanchana; Natarajan, Arunadevi; S, Chitra; Kim, Seung-Hyun; Mayakrishnan, PrabakaranEco-friendly biodegradable Rhododendron schlippenbachii (R. schlippenbachii) green inhibitors, R. schlippenbachii methanolic (RSMeOH) extract, which can effectively reduce low carbon steel corrosion rate, were investigated using weight-loss and electrochemical (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) techniques. The inhibitors exhibited higher efficiency by retarding the corrosion process in 1M H2SO4 and the inhibition efficiency is found to be concentration dependent. The reactivity of the predominant phytochemical components of the extract are analyzed. The adsorption of inhibitors on low carbon steel is followed the Langmuir adsorption. The protective inhibitor film formed on the metal surface was confirmed by SEM and AFM techniquesItem ACTIVE-POLYPHENOLIC-COMPOUNDS-RICH GREEN INHIBITOR FOR THE SURFACE PROTECTION OF LOW CARBON STEEL IN ACIDIC MEDIUM(World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 2019) ILL-MIN, CHUNG; VENKATESAN, HEMAPRIYA; PONNUSAMY, KANCHANA; NATARAJAN, ARUNADEVI; SUBRAMANIAN, CHITRA; SEUNG-HYUN, KIM; MAYAKRISHNAN, PRABAKARANEco-friendly biodegradable Rhododendron schlippenbachii (R. schlippenbachii) green inhibitors, R. schlippenbachii methanolic (RSMeOH) extract, which can effectively reduce low carbon steel corrosion rate, were investigated using weight-loss and electrochemical (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) techniques. The inhibitors exhibited higher efficiency by retarding the corrosion process in 1M H2SO4 and the inhibition efficiency is found to be concentration dependent. The reactivity of the predominant phytochemical components of the extract are analyzed. The adsorption of inhibitors on low carbon steel is followed the Langmuir adsorption. The protective inhibitor film formed on the metal surface was confirmed by SEM and AFM techniques.Item ACTIVITY LEVELS OF PHOSPHATASES OF THE AIR-BREATHING CATFISH MYSTUS CAVASIUS EXPOSED TO ELECTROPLATING INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT CHROMIUM.(BLM, International, Open-Access Journal, 2012-07-01) Palanisamy P; Sasikala G; Mallikaraj D; Bhuvaneshwari N; Natarajan G MIn India chromium is widely used in all electroplating industries. Chromium in electroplating industrial effluent has been shown to inhibit many enzymes at different segments of metabolism. Chromium especially inhibits pyruvate oxidases system and phosphatases. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of effluent chromium on phosphatases on exposure to sub-lethal concentration (0.25%) for a period of 24, 48, and 72 h and 15 d. Activity levels of acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase decreased significantly in the gill and air bladder tissues of experimental catfish, Mystus cavasius, when compared with that of controls.Item ACUTE AND SUBLETHAL INTOXICATION OF DELTAMETHRIN IN AN INDIAN MAJOR CARP, LABEO ROHITA: HORMONAL AND ENZYMOLOGICAL RESPONSES(The Journal of Basic & Applied Zoology, 2015-04-03) Suvetha L; Saravanan M; Hur JH; Ramesh M; Krishnapriya KThis study aimed to evaluate the median lethal concentration (LC50), acute (24 and 96 h) and sublethal (35 d) effects of deltamethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid pesticide on hormonal and enzymological responses in an Indian major carp, Labeo rohita. In this study, the LC50 values of deltamethrin for 24 and 96 h were found to be 0.438 and 0.38 mg L-1, respectively. During acute (0.438 mg L-1) and sublethal (1/10th of 24 h LC50 value, 0.0438 mg L-1) studies, plasma cortisol and prolactin levels were significantly increased (p< 0.05). When compared with the control group, a significant (p< 0.05) increase in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was observed in liver and kidney of fish treated with deltamethrin. However, a significant decrease in the activity of acid phosphatise (ACP) was observed in liver and kidney of deltamethrin exposed fish. In addition, cholinesterase (ChE) activity was significantly (p <0.05) decreased in the plasma of fish exposed to both acute and sublethal concentrations of deltamethrin. These results suggest that the tested concentrations of deltamethrin could have significant adverse effects on the hormonal and enzymological parameters of fish L. rohita. The alterations of these parameters can be effectively used to monitor the impact of deltamethrin in aquatic ecosystem.Item ACUTE CYSTITIS AND ACUTE NEPHRITIS PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES(Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2010-09) Kowsalya R; Sasikala G; Sangeetha Priya JUrinary System includes kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra. This is the major system involves electrolyte balance of the body and filters the blood and excretes the waste products in the form urine. Even the small disturbance in the renal function will step in a disasters manifestation. Among them we are considering the two diseases that affect the system are acute cystitis and acute nephritis. This paper presents the implementation of three supervised learning algorithms, ZeroR, J48 and Naive Bayes in WEKA environment. The classification models were trained using the data collected from 120 patients. The trained models were then used for predicting the acute cystitis or acute nephritis of the patients. The prediction accuracy of the classifiers was evaluated using 10-fold cross validation and the results were compared.