F-KCW-Department Publications
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Item ASSESSING STUDENTS PERSPECTIVE TOWARDS DIGITAL LEARNING – THE NEW NORMAL DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC(Anvesh an a India, 2021-09) Nithya Kala K; Vidyakala KThe recent Covid-19 pandemic has changed the education model dramatically worldwide. Covid-19 pandemic has triggered in typical rise of e-learning and has influenced education in a positive way for many. In the era of Covid-19 pandemic technology is playing a vital role in broadcasting information and knowledge. The current study had been undertaken in the Coimbatore city to study the digital learning impact during Covid-19 pandemic. The primary data was collected from 761 Arts & Science college students and have been analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The findings of the current study suggest that the students accept e-learning as a better path for future education during and post Covid-19 pandemic.Item FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND AGRICULTURE CREDIT REFORM IN INDIA(Bonfring International Journal, 2021-02-20) Vidyakala KRole of Financial InclusionItem A CONCEPTUAL STUDY ON CAREER STRATEGIES ADOPTED BY WOMEN LEADERS TO OVERCOME THEIR BARRIERS(Aut Aut Research Journal, 2020-12-14) Vidyakala KLeadership is one of the significant components of any business organisation. Leaders generate a collective visualization and motivate others. Now a day there is a paucity of women leaders and women in senior management positions who could be taking up leadership positions later and thus it is the right time to address the issue of women leadership and encourage and support women to take up leadership roles.The study reveals that most of the women leaders are facing various barriers to attain the leadership positions.Barrierslike work-life balance, lack of role models and mentors, occupational stress, lack of selfconfidence and less career advancement are faced by women leaders in their leadership position.All of these factors may contribute to the strain experienced by women in the work environment. In order to effectively evaluate these barriers that women experience while functioning in leadership. Hence, the study presents career strategies for overcoming these barriers faced by women leaders in the leadership position.Item A CONCEPTUAL STUDY ON MANAGERIAL GRID APPROACH(Aut Aut Research Journal, 2020-12-14) Vidyakala KLeaders are exceptional and unique, they are often confronted with a lot of challenges, but they are always strong to overcome them. It is on the grounds thatleadership has the ability to make an interpretation of vision into the real world and furthermore has the ability to make and the capacity to extinguish, further administration has the ability to do the incomprehensible POSSIBLE.With extraordinary force comes incredible dependably, at the same moment being a leader isn't exactly a cakewalk. Infact, to be straightforward; overseeing individuals is one of the most testing errands. Mishandling of individuals has made every one of us witness disarray, strikes, riots, wars and so on.The present study portrays the Managerial Grid Model, by assessing the five major leadership styles which is incorporated to help a leader to determine his leadership style.Item A STUDY ON LINKAGE BETWEEN CUSTOMER BASED BRAND EQUITY AND IT’S ANTECEDENTS IN FMCG MARKET: AN EMPRICAL STUDY IN COIMBATORE CITY(SAMBODHI, 2020-12) Vidyakala K; Mohan Kumar KFast moving consumer goods (FMCG) is the fourth largest sector in the Indian economy. FMCG market is expected to grow 5.6% in 2020. The study measured the linkage between customer based brand equity and its antecedents in FMCG market in Coimbatore City. The CBBE model shows the power of brand significantly lies in what customers have seen, heard, felt or availed from the brand over a period of time. The study is mainly rest on primary data. It is collected from the well designed and structure interview schedule. The 283 customers are distributed in Coimbatore city. The validation of variables included in each concept is tested by confirmatory factor analysis through content, convergent and discriminant validity. The present study contributes to an understanding of CBBE phenomena and it’s measurement and antecedents by examining the dimensions of this constructs. The end results give an opportunity to managers to develop a detailed brand equity strategies for their organisationItem ONLINE MARKETING STRATEGIES OF SMES IN FMCG SECTOR- AN EMPIRICAL STUDY(ANVESAK, 2021-12) Vidyakala K; Mohan Kumar KIt is quite difficult to adapt Online marketing Strategies of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tamilnadu TO market their products. Using Online marketing Strategies and tools., small business owners could reach more customers and improve their business performance. Based on the qualitative multi-case study observed model, some of the SME owners in the FMCG industry adopt Online marketing Stratcegics to market products in Tamilnadu. There were five different Smal. and Medium Enterprises in FMCG sector of Tamilnadu who adopted Online marketing Strategies to market their products. Data sources included semi-structured interviews, interview notes and company documents like annual financial reports, meeting minutes, newsletters. and company journals attained by using the social networks, website hosting, payment method and an efficient infrastructure. A key recommendation is that small business owners embrace social media and host websites to market products to improve customer satisfaction and business performance. The implications for positive social change include the possibility for SME owners of FMCG companies to create jobs, provide social and welfare services and promote the economic development of regional communitiesItem A STUDY ABOUT COPING STRATEGIES ADOPTED TO OVERCOME BARRIERS AMONG WOMEN LEADERS IN AN ORGANISATION(International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2020-06-25) Vidyakala K; Raji, Jennet; Sheela J; LavanyaWomen are better positioned than ever before to raise leadership roles in the scenario for women leaders in India's corporate world. At the same time, there is a paucity of women leaders and women in senior management positions who could be taking up leadership positions later and thus it is the right time to address the issue of women leadership and encourage and support women to take up leadership roles. Women leadership is a delicate balancing act but women are capable of building an inclusive, collaborative and transformational work environment with leadership styles that are highly effective and encourage individuals and organizations to flourish. Companies have many kinds of support structures in places, such as women’s networks, leadership development courses and role models or inspirations can increase the number of women at the top positions. This study analysed some of the coping strategies adopted to overcome the barriers among women leaders in their leadership positions.Item A Study on The Impact of Green Banking Practices on Bank’s Environmental Performance With Special Reference To Coimbatore City(African Journal of Business and Economic Research, 2020) Vidyakala K; Nithyakala KUntil twentieth century green has been just the color of money for banks. With the introduction of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in 2001, banking sector took steps in environment-friendly practices. Development of industries enhanced the factors of global warming, soil erosion, ozone depletion, deforestation, air and water pollution. Green Banking refers to the practices and regulations that make banks sustainable in economic, environment, and social dimensions. In Coimbatore City the launch of green initiative has brought a revolutionary change in the banking sector and has moved financially ahead of green initiatives. The data for the present study were collected from 143 bankers of both public and private sector banks using simple random sampling. Correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the results of the study. The results of the study suggest that Environmental Training, Energy Efficient Practices and Green Projects have significant Impact on Bank’s Environmental Performance.Item DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND BUSINESS MODELS(2020-08) Vidyakala K; Nithyakala KIndustrial revolutions have transformed the modern business through the rise of digital technologies. The rapid transformation of business through digitalization is creating a new atmosphere which impacts the society and business through artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things, and combination of potential of hardware, software, and humans. This conceptual paper aims to highlight the abundant opportunities arising for business due to digital transformation trends.Item A STUDY ON LINKAGE BETWEEN CUSTOMER BASED BRAND EQUITY AND IT’S ANTECEDENTS IN FMCG MARKET: AN EMPRICAL STUDY IN COIMBATORE CITY(2020-12) Mohan Kumar K; Vidyakala KFast moving consumer goods (FMCG) is the fourth largest sector in the Indian economy. FMCG market is expected to grow 5.6% in 2020. The study measured the linkage between customer based brand equity and its antecedents in FMCG market in Coimbatore City. The CBBE model shows the power of brand significantly lies in what customers have seen, heard, felt or availed from the brand over a period of time. The study is mainly rest on primary data. It is collected from the well designed and structure interview schedule. The 283 customers are distributed in Coimbatore city. The validation of variables included in each concept is tested by confirmatory factor analysis through content, convergent and discriminant validity. The present study contributes to an understanding of CBBE phenomena and it’s measurement and antecedents by examining the dimensions of this constructs. The end results give an opportunity to managers to develop a detailed brand equity strategies for their organisation.