F-KCW-Department Publications
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Item GLYCERAL TRINITRATE: AS POTENTIAL CORROSION PROTECTOR FOR MILD STEEL IN ACID MEDIUM ALONG WITH PAINT-COATED STEEL IN A SALINE ENVIRONMENT(Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2021-12-21) Menaga M; Sowmya, Ramkumar; Nalini DThe importance of mild steel lies in its industrial applications, and the fight against corrosion is very important from an ecological, economic, technical, and aesthetic view. The current study involves the use of pharmaceutical drugs namely GTN towards corrosion inhibiting reaction was examined by gravimetric and electrochemical approaches. From weight loss studies, maximum I.E (%) 94.04% reached for 60 mg/L concentration of GTN for 6 hrs immersion time. The Polarization measurements showed that the behaviour of GTN as mixed nature and surface assimilation of GTN at the superficial, such that water molecules are substituted at the solution-metal boundary. The corrosion resistance property of the studied inhibitor as coating was also evaluated in NaCl which shows better progress corrosion retardation property of coating in the saline medium. Theoretical calculations were employed using DFT to correlate with the experimental observations.Item EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS WITH HYPOTHETICAL EVIDENCES FOR BEXOL AS AN EFFECTIVE INHIBITOR ON CORROSION INHIBITION OF MILD STEEL IN ACIDIC ENVIRONMENT AND ITS EPOXY COATING BEHAVIOR(Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2020-06-03) Menaga M; Nalini D; Sowmya, RamkumarThe inhibitive ability against mild steel corrosion of pharmacologically active compound Bexol towards acid was valued by gravimetric experiments and electrochemical experiments. The results of the weight loss studies indicated inhibition efficiency was boosted with increased concentration of Bexol from 5 mg/L to 45 mg/L in the acid environment. Potentiodynamic polarization behaviour of the metal specimen in presence of Bexol exposed the mixed style inhibitive action. EIS results established that Bexol adsorb at the metal/acid junction by mere electrostatic physical adsorption mechanism to inhibit the corrosion process. Epoxy coated mild steel without and with the studied bexol was used for electrochemical studies in 3.5% of NaCl for different time intervals. The Density Functional -theory was employed to scrutinize inhibition property of the considered inhibitor. Experimental measurement obtained shows perfect fit to the theoretical calculationsItem GLYCERAL TRINITRATE: AS POTENTIAL CORROSION PROTECTOR FOR MILD STEEL IN ACID MEDIUM ALONG WITH PAINT-COATED STEEL IN A SALINE ENVIRONMENT(An International Open Access, 2021-12-21) Menaga M; Sowmya, Ramkumar; Nalini DThe importance of mild steel lies in its industrial applications, and the fight against corrosion is very important from an ecological, economic, technical, and aesthetic view. The current study involves the use of pharmaceutical drugs namely GTN towards corrosion inhibiting reaction was examined by gravimetric and electrochemical approaches. From weight loss studies, maximum I. E (%) 94.04% reached for 60 mg/L concentration of GTN for 6 h immersion time. The Polarization measurements showed that the behaviour of GTN as mixed nature and surface assimilation of GTN at the superficial, such that water molecules are substituted at the solution-metal boundary. The corrosion resistance property of the studied inhibitor as coating was also evaluated in NaCl which shows better progress corrosion retardation property of coating in the saline medium. Theoretical calculations were employed using DFT to correlate with the experimental observations.Item ENHANCING THE ANTI-CORROSION AND REINFORCING PROPERTIES OF EPOXY COATINGS USING MODIFIED GRAPHENE OXIDE(Oriental Scientific Publishing Company, 2022-08-18) Thamaraiselvi N; Nalini DThe present study deals with the synthesis and anticorrosion behavior of new modified graphene oxide. Superior corrosion resistance property was exhibited by graphene oxide and modified graphene oxide on mild steel and copper substrates. Along with the corrosion resistance behavior, the reinforcing nature of epoxy coating also improved. Graphene oxide was synthesized by Hummer’s method. Graphene oxide (GO) modified with ethanol extract of Kedrostis foetidissima (KF) plant leaves. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis was selected to identify the chemical constituents present in the plant. GO, KF, and modified GO (GO-KF) were characterized by Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM). Corrosion protection behavior of epoxy coating on mild steel and copper with GO and modified Graphene Oxide were studied using, Salt spray test, Peel test, and Contact angle measurements. Results revealed that the modified GO sheets act as a good reinforcing agent for epoxy coating on mild steel and copper substrate in a 3.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) environment.Item INHIBITORY ACTION OF MACARANGA PELTATA LEAVES EXTRACT ON THE CORROSION OF MILD STEEL IN 0.5 M SULPURIC ACID-QUANTUM CHEMICAL APPROACH(Elsevier, 2021-01-01) Athul K.K; Thilagavathy P; Nalini DWeight loss and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method were used for testing the corrosion inhibition effect of Macaranga peltata leaves (MPL) extract on corrosion of mild steel in 0.5 M sulphuric acid solution. The inhibitory effect of MPL was studied at various concentrations of the extract and different time of immersion. In all cases an optimal efficiency was found out. Maximum inhibition efficiency was 92.6% for 5%v/v at 5 h. Nyquist and Tafel plots gave a confirmation about the inhibitory action of the plant extract, agreeing with the weight loss method. The surface content of mild steel after immersion was investigated using IR and the inhibition mechanism is suggested as adsorption of the phytochemical constituents from the results. The Quantum chemical energy calculations become an additional support of the suggested mechanismItem ELECTROCHEMICAL AND QUANTUM CHEMICAL STUDIES OF CORROSIONINHIBITION OF MILD STEEL IN 1M HCL AND 0.5M H2SO4(PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, 2019-09-16) Menaga M; Nalini D; SowmyaRamkumarElectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarizationmeasurements were used to examine the inhibition effect of drug Pregabalin (PGB) on thecorrosion of mild steel in 1M HCl and 0.5M H2SO4 solution. EIS results indicate that thestudied compound inhibit the acid corrosion by adsorption mechanism. Potentiodynamicpolarization measurement suggest that the inhibitor system act as a mixed type by affectingboth anodic and cathodictafel slopes during the acid corrosion of both the studied medium.Quantum chemical studies are in accordance with the experimental values.Item EVALUATION OF CORROSION RESISTANCE OF 5-PYRAZOLONES ON MILD STEEL IN ACID MEDIA(Asian Publication Corporation, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2011) Nalini D; Begum A S; Manimekalai P; Kousalya SThe effects of 5-pyrazolone derivatives have been investigated as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1M HCl and 1M H2SO4 using electrochemical and non-electrochemical techniques. The efficiency of inhibitor increases with increase in inhibitor concentration and decreases with rise in temperature. The adsorption of these inhibitors on mild steel surface has been found to obey Langmuir isotherm. Potentiodynamic polarization results show that the inhibitors behave as a mixed type. Some thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy (δHº), entropy (δSº) and free energy (δGº) have been calculated.Item ORTHO-CHLOROPHENYL-2-IMIDAZOLINE AS CORROSION INHIBITOR FOR MILD STEEL IN ACIDIC MEDIA(Asian Publication Corporation, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2011-01-01) Nalini D; Rajalakshmi R; Subhashini SPresent study involved the synthesis of o-chlorophenyl-2-imidazoline (OCP2I) and its inhibition behaviour on mild steel corrosion in sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid media, using weight loss method and electrochemical methods. The results of weight loss method revealed that the inhibitor shows a maximum efficiency of 84.55% in H2SO4 at 200 ppm and 91.42% in HCl medium at 120 ppm of concentration. Thermodynamic parameters indicated physisorption mode of adsorption of o-chlorophenyl-2-imidazoline follows Langmuir and Temkin adsorption isotherms. Potentiodynamic polarization and impedance studies were conducted to investigate the mechanism of the inhibition and the present system follows mixed mode of inhibition.