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Item TERMINALIA CATAPPA AS A NOVEL BIOSORBENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF DIVALENT ION FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION(2023-04-14) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Anuradha JThe effectiveness of acid-treated Terminalia catappa seed shell (TTCSS), an agricultural waste, for the adsorption of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions is highlighted in the current work. Adsorbent dose seems to have a great influence on sorption process. A significant risk to human health results from the Cu(II) effluent from industry spreading into the environment through soil and water streams and accumulating along the food chain. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) analyses are used to characterize TTCSS. For the Cu(II)- TTCSS system, batch equilibration method experiments were performed to determine the effect of operating factors such as particle sizes and doses of the adsorbent material, agitation time between the sorbent and the sorbate species, temperature, and pH of the medium. The following parameters have been shown to be the most effective for removing Cu2+ ions (92%) from an initial concentration of 8mg/L : 0.18 mm particle size, 50mg adsorbent dose, 60 min contact time and pH 7. It is discovered that the highest adsorption capacity (Ce) of Cu(II)(7.122mg/g) is higher than the range of 2.1-5.2 mg/g as documented by other researchers for various sorbent materials. This demonstrates Terminalia catappa's superior sorption capacity, when compared to the other materials under study.Item FACILE SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF COFE2O4/ACTIVATED CARBON FOR THE REMOVAL OF REACTIVE DYE(Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, 2018) Thangamani K S; Muthulakshmi Andal NGoat Dung Activated Carbon-Cobalt Ferrite Magnetic Composite (GDACCFMC)synthesized by auto-combustion method is employed for the removal Reactive Red 152 (RR152) from aqueous solutions. The surface characteristics are analyzed by SEM, EDAX, BET and BJH techniques. The magnetic property of GDAC-CFMC is characterized by using vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) equipment. Batch equilibration experiments are performed to study the influence of operating factors viz., varying initial dye concentrations, doses of sorbent materials, preset time intervals and variable pH environments to optimize the conditions in exploring the better sorptive nature of GDAC-CFMC, favoured at acidic pH. The adsorption data fits well with Freundlich isothermal model supporting multilayer sorption. The present work concludes that GDAC-CFMC is as potential material for trapping the dye molecules.Item SORPTION CHARACTERISTICS OF SEED SHELL IN THE DIVALENT ION REMOVAL FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS(Bharathidasan Institute of Technology, Anna University, Trichy, 2017) Anuradha J; Muthulakshmi Andal N; Gayathri N.SWater contamination by toxic heavy metals are of the great concern because of their health risks on humans and animals. Lead is ubiquitous in the environment and has many industrial applications. Environmental concerns have let to the application of many chemical methods for heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions. Biosorption is cost effective and has been evolved as the frontline of defense, especially for metals that could not be removed by other techniques. This study deals with utilization and characterization of Terminalia catappaseed shells, agronomical litter in the effective trapping of Pb(II) ions from aqueous solutions.Item FUNCTIONALIZED NOVEL NANO COMPOSITES IN NI(II) REMOVAL FROM AQUEOUS/ EFFLUENT MEDIA(Ganesh Govindam Publications, Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai, 2015) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Gohulavani GNano hydroxy apatite -Azaridachtaindica nutshell composite material was prepared in,co-precipitation method. The product was characterized by FT-IR and Atomic Force microscopy. The Ni(II) removal capacity of the synthesized novel material is investigated by employing batch mode to verify the sorption efficiency under optimized conditions viz., 11 mg/L initial concentration of Ni(II), 21 minutes agitation time between sorbent and sorbate molecules and 50mg dosage of the nano composite. The results of the experiment registered a significant increase • in the sorption nature of nano hydroxy apatite composite of the chosen nutshell against the chemically modified Azaridachtaindica nut shell where 450 mg dosage is employed under similar operating conditions. The successfulness of the nano material in trapping Ni{II) ions is extended to field levels through the assessment of effluents collected from electroplating industry suggesting that nano composited biomass of Azaridachtaindica nut shell is an efficient bioaccumulant.Item SORPTION CHARACTERISTICS OF MODIFIED FRUIT SHELL ONTO ZN(II) IONS IN AQUEOUS MEDIA(Advances in Applied Research - PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, 2018) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Charulatha SThe present work was carried out to study the efficiency of acid treated fruit shell of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa (TAMC), for the adsorption of Zn(II) from aqueous solutions. TAMC was characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) analyses for the presence of functional groups, surface morphological changes in the chosen material and occurrence of absorption peak in the metal laden TAMC, respectively. Batch equilibration mode of experiments were carried out to assess the impact of the variable parameters viz., particle sizes and doses of the adsorbent material, predetermined time intervals between the sorbent and the sorbate species and pH of the medium. The optimized conditions for the maximum removal of Zn2+ ions (91.1%) from1000 mg L−1 initial concentration were 0.18 mm particle size, 1000 mg adsorbent dose, 10 min agitation time and pH 5.5. The applicability of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms at various initial concentrations were plotted for Zn(II)-TAMC system wherein the best straight line was well suited for Langmuir model which indicated the monolayer adsorption. The maximum sorption capacity of TAMC was 80.45 mg g−1 as calculated from the equilibrium concentration data, which was observed to be substantially greater than the q (adsorption capacity at equilibrium) values reported employing different sorbent materials. The results revealed the fruit shell of Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa as a promising material with excellent metal removal capacity when compared to other sorbent materials.Item A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE SORPTION OF DIVALENT IONS BY BIVALVES SHELLS: EQUILIBRIUM AND STATISTICAL STUDIES(Chemical Science Review and Letters, 2016) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Charulatha S; Gayathri N S; Anuradha JThe present study aims at examining the potentiality of the identified no- cost sorbent i.e. Bivalves shells to remove Cu(II) and Zn(II)ions from the aqueous solutions. These shells are collected from seashores, washed with double distilled water, dried, crushed andtreated using 0.1N HCl. The characteristics and functional groups present in the treated shells are supported by SEM, EDAX and Physio-chemical parameter analyses. Various operating factors influencing the adsorption of divalent ions onto the treated shells areexperimentally verified by Batch Equilibration method. The experimental results derived the following optimized conditions : 0.18mmsize, 1g dosage, 10 min agitation time, pH 7 environment for the trapping of Cu(II) ions (98.1% removal) and 0.18mm size, 1g dosage,60 min agitation time, pH 5.5 environment for that of Zn(II) ions (97% removal) at an initial concentration of 1000 mg/L in both thecases. Statistical analysis using SPSS software is carried out to assess the correlation of experimental values for both the systems withthe theoretical approach to justify the trapping ability of TMSP.Item FUNCTIONALIZED NOVEL NANO COMPOSITES IN NI(II) REMOVAL FROM AQUEOUS/EFFLUENT MEDIA(International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 2015) Gohulavani G; Muthulakshmi Andal NNanohydroxy apatite – Azaridachtaindica nutshell composite material was prepared via co-precipitation method. The product was characterized by FT-IR and Atomic force microscopy. The Ni(II) removal capacity of the synthesized novel material is investigated by employing batch mode to verify the sorption efficiency under optimized conditions viz.,11 mg/L initial concentration of Ni(II), 21 minutes agitation time between sorbent/sorbate molecules and 50mg dosage of the nanocomposite. The results of the experiment registered a significant increase in the sorption nature of nanohydroxy apatite composite of the chosen nutshell against the chemically modified Azaridachtaindica nutshell where 450 mg dosage is employed under similar operating conditions. The successfulness of the nanomaterial in trapping Ni(II) ions is extended to field levels through the assessment of effluents collected from electroplating industry suggesting that nano composited biomass of Azaridachtaindica nutshell is an efficient bioaccumulant.Item A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE SORPTION OF DIVALENT IONS BY BIVALVES SHELLS: EQUILIBRIUM AND STATISTICAL STUDIES(Chemical Science Review and Letters (Aufau Periodicals), 2016) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Charulatha S; Gayathri N S; Anuradha JThe present study aims at examining the potentiality of the identified no- cost sorbent i.e. Bivalves shells to remove Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions from the aqueous solutions. These shells are collected from seashores, washed with double distilled water, dried, crushed and treated using 0.1N HCl. The characteristics and functional groups present in the treated shells are supported by SEM, EDAX and Physio-chemical parameter analyses. Various operating factors influencing the adsorption of divalent ions onto the treated shells are experimentally verified by Batch Equilibration method. The experimental results derived the following optimized conditions : 0.18mm size, 1g dosage, 10 min agitation time, pH 7 environment for the trapping of Cu(II) ions (98.1% removal) and 0.18mm size, 1g dosage, 60 min agitation time, pH 5.5 environment for that of Zn(II) ions (97% removal) at an initial concentration of 1000 mg/L in both the cases. Statistical analysis using SPSS software is carried out to assess the correlation of experimental values for both the systems with the theoretical approach to justify the trapping ability of TMSP.Item SORPTION ABILITY OF MODIFIED FRUIT NUT SHELLS IN THE REMOVAL OF CO(II) IONS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS(Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology (Euresian Publications), 2013) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Charulatha SThe present work deals with the efficiency of modified Terminalia catappa seed shell (TCSS), an agricultural waste, for the removal of Co(II) from aqueous solutions. Three methods of modifications of the sorbent material have been done and the experiments were carried out by employing batch equilibration method. The influences of variable parameters viz., particle sizes and adsorbent dosages of the sorbent material, agitation time, initial concentrations of the sorbate solutions, pH, cations, anions, co-ions and temperatures have been studied. The surface characteristic study of the modified TCSS has been supported by FT-IR, SEM and EDAX techniques. The linearity of the isothermal plots suggests that the Co(II) – TCCS system obeys Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models.Item SORPTION CHARACTERISTICS OF MODIFIED FRUIT SHELL ONTO ZN(II) IONS IN AQUEOUS MEDIA(Advances in Applied Research, 2018) Charulatha S; Muthulakshmi Andal NThe present work was carried out to study the efficiency of acid treated fruit shell of Aeglemarmelos (L.) Correa (TAMC), for theadsorption of Zn(II) from aqueous solutions. TAMC was characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), ScanningElectron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) analyses for the presence of functional groups, surfacemorphological changes in the chosen material and occurrence of absorption peak in the metal laden TAMC, respectively. Batchequilibration mode of experiments were carried out to assess the impact of the variable parameters viz., particle sizes and doses ofthe adsorbent material, predetermined time intervals between the sorbent and the sorbate species and pH of the medium. Theoptimized conditions for the maximum removal of Zn2+ ions (91.1%) from1000 mg L-1 initial concentration were 0.18 mm particlesize, 1000 mg adsorbent dose, 10 min agitation time and pH 5.5. The applicability of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms at variousinitial concentrations were plotted for Zn(II)-TAMC system wherein the best straight line was well suited for Langmuir modelwhich indicated the monolayer adsorption. The maximum sorption capacity of TAMC was 80.45 mg g-1 as calculated from theequilibrium concentration data, which was observed to be substantially greater than the q (adsorption capacity at equilibrium) evalues reported employing different sorbent materials. The results revealed the fruit shell of Aeglemarmelos (L.) Correa as apromising material with excellent metal removal capacity when compared to other sorbent materials (Keywords: Zinc ions, fruitshell, characterization, adsorption, parameters).