F-KCW-Department Publications
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Item REMOVAL OF NICKEL(II) FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION USING AZARIDACHTAINDICA SEED SHELL POWDER AS ADSORBENT(BonfringTM, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University), 2013) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Gohulavani GPretreated Azaridachtaindica could be used as an effective biosorbent for the treatment of wastewater containing Ni ions.Item FUNCTIONALIZED NOVEL NANO COMPOSITES IN NI(II) REMOVAL FROM AQUEOUS/ EFFLUENT MEDIA(Ganesh Govindam Publications, Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai, 2015) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Gohulavani GNano hydroxy apatite -Azaridachtaindica nutshell composite material was prepared in,co-precipitation method. The product was characterized by FT-IR and Atomic Force microscopy. The Ni(II) removal capacity of the synthesized novel material is investigated by employing batch mode to verify the sorption efficiency under optimized conditions viz., 11 mg/L initial concentration of Ni(II), 21 minutes agitation time between sorbent and sorbate molecules and 50mg dosage of the nano composite. The results of the experiment registered a significant increase • in the sorption nature of nano hydroxy apatite composite of the chosen nutshell against the chemically modified Azaridachtaindica nut shell where 450 mg dosage is employed under similar operating conditions. The successfulness of the nano material in trapping Ni{II) ions is extended to field levels through the assessment of effluents collected from electroplating industry suggesting that nano composited biomass of Azaridachtaindica nut shell is an efficient bioaccumulant.Item POTENTIAL OF AGRICULTURAL WASTE FOR NI(II) ION REMOVAL FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION:THERMODYNAMIC AND KINETIC STUDIES(The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), 2013) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Gohulavani G; Arunachalam SThe treated biomasses of terrestrial plant materials have high removal capacities for a number of heavy metal ions. The batch equilibration mode of study is employed to assess the sorption capacity of treated fruit shell husk of Terminalia catappa (TFSHTC) in the removal of Ni (II) ions. The factors influencing the adsorption process, namely, particle size, contact time, adsorbent dosage, pH, and temperature are experimentally verified. Based on the equilibrium concentration between sorbent-sorbate molecules and the amount of the species adsorbed, various isothermal models, viz., Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich are correlated.The linearity of the plots obtained for Ni-TFSHTC system indicated that the Langmuir (R2-0.908) model correlates well with the data as compared to Freundlich and D-R isothermal equations. According to the Langmuir isotherm, the monolayer saturation capacity (Qo) is 62.5 mg/g. The pseudo first order, pseudo second order, and intraparticle diffusion kinetic models are applied to the experimental data pertaining to the initial metal ion concentrations and adsorbent doses. Thermodynamic parameters showed that the sorption process of Ni(II) onto TFSHTC is feasible and spontaneous. The observed results and calculated values imply that the TFSHTC can be employed as an effective and environment-friendly material for the removal of Ni (II) ionItem FUNCTIONALIZED NOVEL NANO COMPOSITES IN NI(II) REMOVAL FROM AQUEOUS/EFFLUENT MEDIA(International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 2015) Gohulavani G; Muthulakshmi Andal NNanohydroxy apatite – Azaridachtaindica nutshell composite material was prepared via co-precipitation method. The product was characterized by FT-IR and Atomic force microscopy. The Ni(II) removal capacity of the synthesized novel material is investigated by employing batch mode to verify the sorption efficiency under optimized conditions viz.,11 mg/L initial concentration of Ni(II), 21 minutes agitation time between sorbent/sorbate molecules and 50mg dosage of the nanocomposite. The results of the experiment registered a significant increase in the sorption nature of nanohydroxy apatite composite of the chosen nutshell against the chemically modified Azaridachtaindica nutshell where 450 mg dosage is employed under similar operating conditions. The successfulness of the nanomaterial in trapping Ni(II) ions is extended to field levels through the assessment of effluents collected from electroplating industry suggesting that nano composited biomass of Azaridachtaindica nutshell is an efficient bioaccumulant.Item SORPTION KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIUM STUDIES ON THE REMOVAL OF TOXIC CR(VI) IONS EMPLOYING MODIFIED INDIAN ALMOND NUT SHELLS(Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, 2013) Muthulakshmi Andal N; Gohulavani GExploring the use of novel agricultural based adsorbents in controlling Cr(VI) pollution in waste water is one of the main areas of research on pollution control due to its high toxicity, posing threat to the human and environment. Adsorption has attracted attention as a cost-effective tool for the removal of such heavy metal ions. This paper presents the experimental results carried out for the sorption of Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions employing modified Terminalia catappa nut shell (TTCNS). The characterization of TTCNS is investigated using BET, BJH, FTIR, SEM and EDAX analysis. The effect of variable parameters viz., particle size, contact time, initial concentration, sorbent dose and pH were studied. The system has been optimized to achieve suitable parameters for maximum removal of Cr(VI) which are: 0.18mm particle size and 200 mg adsorbent dose of selected sorbent material,11 mg/L initial concentration of adsorbate species, 30 minutes contact time and pH 2 for the solution medium. Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics were verified by Langmuir, Freundlich isotherms and Lagergren first order, Pseudo second order models. The applicability of the methodology developed is also tested with real effluent sample collected from chrome plating industry.