F-KCW-Department Publications
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Item ANAPHORA AS A DEVICE IN SELECT POEMS OF CHAOBA PHURITSHABAM(Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, 2018-04) A, Dhanalakshmi; A, ElakkiyaNorth-east India has been a victim of colonial invasion as well as of the ethnic conflicts because of its geographical isolation. The region consists of the seven sister states which were the princely states before they merged with India. The North-east region has been facing a lot of struggles since when it merged with the Indian sub-continent in 15th October,1949 which lead to the Second World War. Hence, literature from the North-east India largely deals with violence. It is the predominant theme of all the literary works of art produced from the region. There is a clash among the diverse ethnic groups claiming for autonomy. The secessionist movements and the armed insurgencies are playing a major role in the conflict and violence. The native people have been deprived of their fundamental rights, needs and they are forced live under domination and suppression. Women are doubly marginalised by the male colonizers and also by their own native men. The people express their plight, sufferings and emotions through literature. This paper aims to bring about the postcolonial aspects and its effects using a literary device, Anaphora, in select poems of the Manipuri woman poet, Chaoba Phuritshabam from Tattooed with Taboos An Anthology of Poetry by Three Women from Northeast India.Item FATHER-SON RELATIONSHIP AS PORTRAYED IN CHAIM POTOK’S THE CHOSEN(Vergal Publication, 2016-09) S, Sanjana; A, DhanalakshmiA novelist and Rabbi, Chaim Potok was born in 1929, in the New York City.He graduated in English Literature and later received his Ph.D in philosophy from the university of Pennsylvania. He penned nearly nine novels and his first novel is The Chosen. Relationship is an important bond in life that evokes varied feelings like love, hatred, joy and anger. Among the many relationships. Father-Son relationship is an important one in man’s life. It is pure and the father wishes to make his progenies as his soul representative that he will leave in the world after his death. This paper aims to highlight the father-son relationship as portrayed in the novel The Chosen. This novel brings out the two types of fathers, one using language to communicate and the other communicating through silence. Judee K Burgoon’s Expectancy Violaitons Theory helps to analyse the aspect of silence that prevails betweent eh protagonists and his father.Item MORALITY AND MYTH IN SELECT POEMS OF CAROL ANN DUFFY;S THE WORLD’S WIFE(Folklore Resources and Research Centre, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, 2015) A, Dhanalakshmi; M S, Janani PriyatarsiniThe word Myth is derived from Greek term “mythos” which referred to a story or plot that could either be true or invented. Mythology is explained by M H Abrams as “a system of hereditary stories of ancient origin that were once believed to be true by a particular cultural group, and which served to explain why the world is as it is and things happen as they do, to provide a rationale for social customs and observances and to establish the sanctions for the rules by which people conduct their lives” This paper traces the mythical elements that are present in the select poems of Carol Ann Duffy.Item MULTICULTURALISM FOR REFORMATION IN SELECT NOVELS OF RICK RIORDAN(LITERARY QUEST, 2018-04) A, Elakkiya; A, DhanalakshmiCulture is a holistic entity which summarises the customs, ritual, tradition, language, food habit, belief, religious practices, etc… Its manifestation may vary because of nations and ethnic groups. It is ever evolving and dynamic. It plays a major role in the development of the society and is also influenced by another culture. The end result is newer form of culture with many outcomes. When more than two cultures mingle it leads to a multiplicity and plurality of culture and there will be a celebration of multiculturalism. It may lead to positive effects in the society. This paper is dealing with the role of multiculturalism in the selected novels of Rick Riordan along with its results and impacts on the society. The novels are interspersed with Greek, Roman, Japanese, Persian, Hawaiian, Arabian, Caribbean, Australian, French, Italian, Indian, Ethiopian and the Western cultures. Besides the myth, the presence of multiculturalism in these novels makes the young adults to have the knowledge of many cultures along with their significance. The concept serves a major role in establishing an identity for the dyslexic children, their need for wish fulfilment and recognition in the society. It helps the special children for a better mental growth. It also makes the society to be empathetic towards the challenged people.Item REALISM AS PORTRAYED IN DIBYENDU PALIT’S THE FACES(TRANSSTELLAR AND International Journal of English and Literature IJEL, 2016-02) A, DhanalakshmiWinner of many prestigious prizes for his literary excellence, Dibyendu Palit wrote novels, short stories, essays and poems that proclaimed him as a major Bengali writer. Though he wrote in Bengali most of his works have been translated into English and other major Indian languages. Besides writing he is a reputed journalist who worked as a Senior Assistant Editor with Anandabazar Patrika. He is also a reputed film and drama critic. Palit travelled extensively to represent India in various literary festivals. Most of his works are set in Calcutta and his struggles in life inspired him to write most of his works.Item THE REALM OF NATURE IN DORIS LESSING’S SHORT STORIES “THE OLD CHIEF MSHLANGA” AND “FLIGHT”(tiNai, the ecocritical initiative of OSLE India, 2013-02-12) A, DhanalakshmiNonagenarian and Nobel Laureate of 2007, Doris Lessing’s love for the landscape of Africa is evident from her works. She grew up I Zimbabwe and many of her works has Africa as its background. Sha as a child spent most of her time in the veld and is familiar with the creatures of it and that impact is seen in her fictional world. Her fertile imagination has nature in the background and her encounter with the animals is avidly portrayed in her works. The landscape she describes adds beauty to her works. The short story The Old Chief Mshlanga is a short story about the white girl who changes her misconceptions about the natives after meeting the tribal leader. The conflict between the ruler and ruled is beautifully portrayed with the background of the farm. The other story Flight tells the mind of an aging grandfather who does not want to part with his last granddaughter and is compared with soaring birds only to return home in the night. Lessing to portray the affinity of man with nature has vividly used nature and animals in her short stories.Item REDEFINED GENDER ROLES IN FAIRY TALES: A STUDY OF THE PAPER BAG PRINCESS(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND TRANSLATION STUDIES (IJELR), 2018) K, Kaviya; A, DhanalakshmiGender Identity and Equality through Cultural and Social Scape", 2nd August 2018 organised by the Dept of Department of English, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Peelamedu, Coimbatore - 641 004. REDEFINED GENDER ROLES IN FAIRY TALES: A STUDY OF THE PAPER BAG PRINCESS BY ROBERT N. MUNSCH KAVIYA K1 , Dr. DHANALAKSHMI A2 1M.A. English Literature, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore 2Asst. Prof., PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore For centuries, the stories meant for bedtimes and for kindergarten were mostly fairy tales containing the princesses and princes or Brothers Grimm. They have all directly or indirectly paved a gender stereotype in the minds of children at a very young.Item REDEFINED GENDER ROLES IN FAIRY TALES: A STUDY ON THE PAPER BAG PRINCESS BY ROBERT N. MUNCH(International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translational Studies, 2018-08-02) A, Dhanalakshmi; K, KaviyaThe earliest tales told to children are often fairy tales aimed at delivering morals. Gender positivity is very important in such tales, as they seal the idea on genders and gender- related roles in their minds. While most of the stories have a damsel in distress saved by the knight in the shining armour, many writers reached out to more realistic and gender positive ways of storytelling. This paper is aimed at analysing the fairy tale The Paper Bag Princess written by Robert N. Munsch as a gender-positive and gender redefining tale.Item TRADITION AND PROGRESSION IN TSITSI DANGAREMBGS’S NERVOUS CONDITIONS(Vergal Publication, Vol II, 2016-09) P, Lincy; A, DhanalakshmiTradition and Progression are complementary to each other. Tradition guides the posterity to lead a life filled with moral and values. Progression creates an identity for an individual in the society. Tsitsi Dangarembga, a Rhodesian writer, graduated in Medicine and Psychology founded expression in writing novels. Her novels Nervous Conditions (1998) and its sequel The Book of Not (2006) heralded her arrival to the literary world. Her novel Nervous Conditions portrays this aspect of how eventhough following strict traditional norms, the protagonist. Tambu has progressed in her life. Victor H. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation stands as an aid to explain the process of progression in the protagonist Tambu’s life.