e) 2021 - 79 Documents
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Item CHARACTERIZATION OF POTENTIAL PLANT GROWTH PROMOTING RHIZOBACTERIA ISOLATED FROM RHIZOSPHERIC SOIL OF BANANA (MUSA PARADISIACA L.)(Research Journal of Biotechnology, 2021) Gajalakshmi, K; Dhivya, KThe use of novel PGPR as bioinoculant is an alternative sustainable agricultural practice to improve soil health, controlling soil borne pathogens, increase crop productivity and conserve biodiversity. Group of bacteria that colonize roots of plant and help in plant growth and disease suppression by various direct and indirect mechanisms is named as Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). The present investigation was carried out to isolate, screen and characterize the PGPR from the rhizosphere soil of banana. Four bacterial strains were isolated from Banana rhizosphere. These strains were characterized morphologically and biochemically and studied for their plant growth promoting activities such as IAA production, GA production, Phosphate solubilisation and biocontrol traits of the isolates such as siderophore production and HCN production.Item ANALYSIS OF MICROBIAL ISOLATE FROM CONTAMINATED STREET FOOD WITH A POTENTIAL TO DEGRADE FOOD WASTE(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Swathi Priya, S; Shanmuga Priya, C; Maria Shyla, JContaminated food stuff is a potential source of bacteria with interest encompassing mirid attributes prompting their exploitation in assorted applications including environment domain like degradation of waste and discarded food. Street food has bacterial contamination like Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus sp., Mostly non-significance bacteria are present in the street foods but still point to environmental contamination, in this work food samples were collected and serially diluted, isolated confirmed using different media. The isolation and identification process were done to know and characterise the bacteria via 16 s rRNA gene sequence and the DNA these further elucidated via BLAST search engine.Item MICROBIOME ANALYSIS OF PESTICIDE CONTAMINATED SOILS ITS IMPACT ON THE MICROBIAL ISOLATES(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Sowmiya Sri, S; Suji, V; Sophia Reena, GThe study aims to analyse the bacterial pattern, to isolate the bacteria from polluted soil site and to identify the bacteria using 16s rDNA gene sequencing. The present research is carried out to isolate and identify the bacteria using molecular study. The bacteria is isolated using plating agar. The DNA extracted and PCR carried out. Further, the gene sequence was analyzed and the sequence was submitted to NCBI and accession number was allotted as MT126476. The bacteria identified as Enterobacter cloacae, the current interest in using omics technologies for elucidating the microbial diversity from potential contaminated site for harnessing microorganism for potential bioremediation perspectives.Item Scopus(2021)Item REPRESENTATION OF COVERING SPACES IN ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY(South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2021) Parvathy, C R; Vidhya, K RIn this paper introduction to the covering spaces is given. We have proved some theorems and problems for the covering spaces. Examples related to the covering spaces are also discussed.Item SYNTHESIS AND FABRICATION OF NANOSTRUCTURED MOS2/PANI NANOCOMPOSITES BY MICROWAVE ASSISTED METHOD FOR ELECTROCHEMICAL APPLICATIONS(ScienceDirect, 2021) Krithika, S; Balavijayalakshmi, JTransition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are two dimensional nanomaterials made up of a monolayer of transition metal atoms sandwiched (X-M-X) between two layers of chalcogen atoms in a hexagonal lattice. Molybdenum di sulfide (MoS2) have attracted much attention among the TMDCs family and is a suitable electrode material for supercapacitors. It has remarkable physical and chemical properties such as large surface area, sheet like structure, superior capability and lower rates of cyclic induced degradation. However, MoS2 suffers from lower electronic conductivity that limits its energy storage. Hence the conducting polymer, polyaniline is doped with the MoS2 to overcome the deficiencies and to enhance the electrochemical performance. A novel microwave assisted method is implemented to synthesize MoS2/PANI nanocomposites for the strategy of supercapacitors. The microwave assisted processing of MoS2/PANI nanocomposites provides several advantages than the conventional heating method such as tuning the physiochemical properties as reduction of impurity, mono dispersivity in the morphology that results in enhancing the electrochemical performance. The phase purity, homogeneity, and functional groups present in the MoS2/PANI nanocomposites are synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron microscope (FESEM), High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HR-TEM), Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), UV–Visible (UV–Vis) absorption spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The optimized MoS2 /PANI nanosheets exhibits a high specific capacitance of 348 F/g at 0.5 A/g and MoS2/PANI nanocomposites retains 89.21% of its initial specific capacitance even after 2000 cycles. Hence the strategy of microwave assisted synthesis of MoS2/PANI nanocomposites improve the electrochemical performance of two dimensional MoS2 based electrode materials for energy storage.Item LIRIOPE PLATYPHYLLA EXTRACT AS A GREEN INHIBITOR FOR MILD STEEL CORROSION IN SULFURIC ACID MEDIUM(Taylor & Francis Online, 2021) Ill-Min, Chung; Venkatesan, Hemapriya; Seung-Hyun, Kim; Kanchana, Ponnusamy; Natarajan, Arunadevi; Subramanian, ChitraThe phytochemical components of the methanol extract of Liriope platyphylla (L. platyphylla) leaves were identified using UHPLC, and their antioxidant activities were studied. The impact of the L. platyphylla extract on the corrosion of mild steel by 1 M H2SO4 was assessed using electrochemical and gravimetric techniques. L. platyphylla exhibited concentration-dependent corrosion protection activity through a mixed-mode adsorption process, as revealed by polarization studies. Impedance measurements indicated the development of a protective film of the inhibitor, which was confirmed by morphology studies at the micro level with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and at the nano level with atomic force microscopy (AFM). Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) studies also confirmed the adsorption of the inhibitor film onto the mild steel surface.Item SUPRA CO BT URYSOHN SPACE IN SUPRA TOPOLOGICAL SPACES(Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, 2021) Krishnaveni, KIn this article, the author interpolate prolific notion of co bT µ graph and co bT µ urysohn space by utilizing the concept of bTµ set connected functions in supra topological spaces.Item MAXIMUM INDEPENDENT SEIDEL ENERGY OF A GRAPH(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2021) Mary, U; Sreeja, SThe concept of Maximum Independent Seidel energy EImaxS(G)of a simple connected graph Ghas been innovated by us and we have calculated the maximum independent seidel energies of some standard graphs. Also we have discovered few basic properties related to maximum independent seidel energy.Item ROLE OF GRAPHENE OXIDE/YTTRIUM OXIDE NANOCOMPOSITES AS A CATHODE MATERIAL FOR NATURAL DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELL APPLICATIONS(Wiley, 2021) Shanmugapriya, T; Balavijayalakshmi, JNatural dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are becoming promising candidates for replacing synthetic dyes. Graphene oxide is prepared from natural graphite flakes by modified Hummers method. A novel graphene oxide/yttrium oxide (GO/Y2O3) nanocomposites are prepared by chemical precipitation method. The different concentration of (5:1, 5:2, and 5:3) of yttrium oxide nanoparticles exaggerated on the surface of graphene oxide nanosheets. The prepared nanocomposites are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Raman scattering spectroscopy and ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) absorption spectroscopy. The XRD analysis showed that the crystallite size of the GO/Y2O3 (5:1, 5:2, and 5:3) is found to be around 23, 25.2, and 26.92 nm. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) revealed that the flakes like shaped yttrium oxide nanoparticles are uniformly dispersed on the surface of GO sheets. The UV–vis studies showed that the prepared Jasminoum grandiflorum L (JG) dye belongs to chlorophyll group with the absorption of 4.2 eV. The electrochemical activity of the prepared nanocomposites is investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique. The power conversion efficiency of prepared sandwich type DSSCs (5:3) is found to be 1.67%.Item EFFECTIVE LOW TEMPERATURE CURE CARDANOL BASED MONO-FUNCTIONAL BENZOXAZINES: A COMPARISON(Springer Link, 2021) Duraisamy, Aishwarya; Krishnasamy, Balaji; Arumugam, Hariharan; Govindraj, Latha; Muthukaruppan, AlagarAn attempt has been made in the present work to assess the thermal and hydrophobic behavior of sustainable and renewable bio-based cardanol benzoxazines synthesized by reacting different aryl amines with varied functionalities (viz., aniline (a), p-toludine (pt), p-fluoroaniline (fa), p-aminophenol (ap), p‑acetylaniline (aa), p-nitroaniline (na)) with cardanol (C) in presence of formaldehyde at an appropriate conditions. The varied molecular nature of benzoxazines obtained was characterized for their molecular structure, curing behavior, thermal stability and hydrophobic behaviour by analytical techniques. The structural elucidation of benzoxazines was carried out by FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopic studies. Among the different benzoxazines studied, the p-aminophenol based benzoxazine possesses the lowest curing (191°C) temperature (C-a 282°C > C-pt 262°C > C-fa 258°C > C-aa 251°C > C-na 227°C > C-ap 191°C). The thermal stability of different cardanol based polybenzoxazines was studied by TGA technique. Among the different samples of cardanol benzoxazine systems studied, the benzoxazines viz., poly(C-fa) and poly(C-ap) possess the higher thermal stability and higher char yield than those of other polybenzoxazines (viz., poly(C-a) > poly(C-pt) > poly(C-na) > poly(C-aa) > poly(C-ap) > poly(C-fa)). The limiting oxygen index (LOI) value of polybenzoxazines has been calculated from char yield of polybenzoxazines. Poly(C-ap) and poly(C-fa) show the LOI value greater than 26, which as certain their good flame retardant behaviour. The values of water contact angle obtained for cardanol based benzoxazines are in the following order, poly(C-a) 112° > poly(C-pt) 117° > poly(C-na) 124° > poly(C-aa) 124° > poly(C-ap) 131° > poly(C-fa) 134°. Cardanol based benzoxazines derived from varying nature of amines groups influence the both thermal and hydrophobic behavior according to their chemically interactive and molecular geometry.Item EXTENDED DISCRETE COSINE TRANSFORM(Springer Link, 2021) Praveenkumar, S; Somasundaram, K; Magesh, S; Kalaiselvi, TLossy compression is a valuable technique in reducing the file size of an image for storing and transmitting across computer networks. Discrete cosine transform (DCT) has been one of the efficient transforms that is being used in popular compressor like JPEG. For fast compression, transforms with integer coefficients were developed. Few such transforms are integer discrete cosine transform (IntDCT) and integer-based discrete Tchebichef transform (DTT). In this paper, we extend the type II 8 × 8 DCT and produce a transform with integer coefficients. Simulated results show that the proposed method performed better than the other integer-based transforms in terms of the PSNR values and is also competitive with DCT.Item IMPACT OF WATER QUALITY ON THE ANATOMICAL AND HISTOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) MadhuBala, D; Narmathasri, J; Priyadarshini, V; Saranya, S; Sneka, S; TamilSelvi, K SWater hyacinth, a worst aquatic weed and also a right candidate for pollutant removal, was collected from four different locations. Our work aimed to study the influence of water quality over the anatomical and histochemical features of water hyacinth from four water bodies. A significant difference in the size of the plant, size of the different cells in leaf, petiole and root was observed between the locations. Histochemicals were localized in the hypodermal, cortical and in some cases, stellar region of parts of water hyacinth. Water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, chloride and sulphate content of the water samples varied between locations.Item MOVING BED BIOFILM REACTORS(Elsevier, 2021) Preeti, Sonkar; Jone Kirubavathy, S; Shivani, Dave; Sushma, Dave; Jayashankar, DasMoving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs) rely on the growth of biofilms on “carriers” in aeration tanks for wastewater treatment. These carriers are made of materials with density close to that of water. MBBRs are considered to be more efficient as compared to other conventional processes and have many advantages, such as lesser size, more resilience toward toxic shock, etc., and are also independent of the performance of secondary clarifiers. Increase in efficiency is achieved by using both attached biofilms and suspended bacteria, as in the case of hybrid MBBRs. Biogas can also be produced from wastewater by using anaerobic MBBRs.Item NON LINEAR OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF POTENT QUINOLINE BASED SCHIFF BASES(ScienceDirect, 2021) Sathya Priyadarshini, G; Vidya, Edathil; Gopal, SelviQuinoline Schiff bases are notified for their extensive pharmacological applications which paved way for the continuous exploration of their properties by the chemists of various fields. The theoretical exploration of organic compounds finds new dimensions in the recent advances of science intend us to study the nonlinear optical behaviour of Schiff Bases. In this context, four series of substituted hydrazinoquinoline Schiff bases 1–4 [ 4-methyl-2-salicylidenehydrazinoquinoline (1), 4,6-dimethyl-2-salicylidene hydrazine quinoline (2), 6-chloro-4-methyl-2salicylidenehydrazinoquinoline (3), 4-methyl-6-methoxy-2-salicylidene hydrazine quinoline (4)] were synthesised and characterised by IR and 1H NMR spectral studies. The DFT studies of the synthesised compounds viz., Frontier Molecular Orbital analysis and first hyperpolarisabilty were carried out by using B3LYP functional 6-31G (d,p) basis level. From the DFT results, the first hyperpolarisability suggest that the studied compounds have good non-linear properties. The global reactivity descriptors value indicates that the synthesised compounds are hard with greater kinetic stability. Having lower band gap energy of 4.1 eV–3.73 eV and a low lying LUMO, the synthesised compounds might be a excellent NLO candidate and also act as superconductors, and may have prospective used in both technological as well as pharmaceutical related applications.Item NANO gj -COMPACTNESS AND NANO gj-CONNECTEDNESS ON NANO TOPOLOGICAL SPACES(Poincare Publishers, 2021) Sasikala, D; Radhamani, K CIn this paper, a new notion of nano gj-compactness and nano gjconnectedness are initiated and related theorems are proved. Moreover, we explain some properties with interesting examples.Item DEEP POSITIONAL ATTENTION-BASED BIDIRECTIONAL RNN WITH 3D CONVOLUTIONAL VIDEO DESCRIPTORS FOR HUMAN ACTION RECOGNITION(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2021) Srilakshmi, N; Radha, NThis article presents the Joints and Trajectory-pooled 3D-Deep Positional Attention-based Bidirectional Recurrent convolutional Descriptors (JTPADBRD) for recognizing the human activities from video sequences. At first, the video is partitioned into clips and these clips are given as input of a two-stream Convolutional 3D (C3D) network in which the attention stream is used for extracting the body joints locations and the feature stream is used for extracting the trajectory points including spatiotemporal features. Then, the extracted features of each clip is needed to aggregate for creating the video descriptor. Therefore, the pooled feature vectors in all the clips within the video sequence are aggregated to a video descriptor. This aggregation is performed by using the PABRNN that concatenates all the pooled feature vectors related to the body joints and trajectory points in a single frame. Thus, the convolutional feature vector representations of all the clips belonging to one video sequence are aggregated to be a descriptor of the video using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)-based pooling. Besides, these two streams are multiplied with the bilinear product and end-to-end trainable via class labels. Further, the activations of fully connected layers and their spatiotemporal variances are aggregated to create the final video descriptor. Then, these video descriptors are given to the Support Vector Machine (SVM) for recognizing the human behaviors in videos. At last, the experimental outcomes exhibit the considerable improvement in Recognition Accuracy (RA) of the JTDPABRD is approximately 99.4% achieved on the Penn Action dataset as compared to the existing methods.Item NOVEL QR CODE TAGGING SYSTEM FOR CAMPUS VEGETATION TO PROMOTE ECORESTORATION(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Chahana, V E; Abirami, S; Karpagavalli, S; Arunpriya, CThis work is an effort to create a means to establish environment sustainability through QR code tagging to trees. In this digital era, with increased usage of smartphones, tablets and the availability of these devices at a lower cost motivated us to adopt QR code tagging for obtaining detailed information about the flora collection available in our college. The objective of this work is to tag each tree in the campus with QR Code and enable the students aware of all the facts and data about the tree from its scientific name to its medicinal and pharmaceutic potential along with other interesting information, by scanning the QR code put up on the tree using their smartphone. These codes can be easily accessed by anyone in the college so that it will help the student, faculty, and others to gain knowledge about the plants available in the college campus.Item POTENTIAL UTILIZATION OF A WEED PROSOPIS JULIFLORA LEAF EXTRACT NANOPARTICLE FOR DYE DEGRADATION AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Sahithya, S; Krishnaveni, CThe present study was conducted to evaluate the silver nanoparticle synthesized using leaf extract of Prosopis juliflora. For possible dye degradation and antibacterial activity on Gram positive and gram-negative bacteria (Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas putida). The acetone extract showed good anti-bacterial activity against both the organisms, the inhibitory effect increased with increase in concentration of the extract. The presence of Silver Nanoparticles in the leaf extract was observed by reduction of silver ions into silver nanoparticles. Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) analysis was done to detect the functional groups which will promote the antibacterial and dye degradation capabilites.Item EFFICIENCY STUDIES OF GALINSOGA PARVIFLORA PIGMENTS AS A SENSITIZER IN PT FREE GRAPHENE OXIDE/NICKEL OXIDE COUNTER ELECTRODE: DYE SENSITIZED SOLAR CELL APPLICATIONS(Springer Link, 2021) Shanmugapriya, T; Balavijayalakshmi, JAn easily available Galinsoga Parviflora (GP) natural dye has been used as natural sensitizers for dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC). Graphene oxide (GO) is one of the most efficient materials for solar cells, supercapacitor and sensing applications because of its unique properties. It is prepared from natural graphite flakes by modified Hummer’s method. Graphene oxide/nickel oxide (GO/NiO) nanocomposites are prepared by chemical precipitation method. The different concentrations of nickel oxide nanoparticles (5:1, 5:2 and 5:3) are embellished on the GO surface. The synthesis of these nanocomposites are confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Raman spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM). The XRD results confirmed that the nickel oxide nanoparticles are coated on the graphene oxide surface and the crystallite size of GO/NiO (5:1, 5:2 and 5:3) nanocomposites are found to be around 19 nm, 21.3 nm and 23 nm respectively. The electrochemical activity of the prepared nanocomposites is investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique. The power conversion efficiency is measured using a light source simulated with an intensity of 100 mW/cm2. The conversion efficiency of prepared sandwich type dye sensitized solar cell (5:1, 5:2 and 5:3) is 0.9%, 1.3% and 1.65% respectively.