G-KCW Ph.D Theses
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Item DEEP LEARNING FRAMEWORK FOR EFFICIENT PREDICTION OF CAUSATIVE MUTATIONS, GENES AND THEIR SUSCEPTIBILITY TO AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER(2000-08) PreamSudha V; Vijaya M.SnewlineItem Trial Version(2000-11) Trial VersionItem A STUDY ON CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND ITS IMPACT ON PROFITABILITY OF SELECTED SERVICES SECTOR INDUSTRIES IN INDIA(2011) Manokaran G; Poornima SItem A MULTI DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF CREDIT CARD SEGMENT IN COIMBATORE CITY(2011) Gomathi A; Yesodha Devi NItem A STUDY OF KEY DETERMINANTS OF PERFORMANCE OF LIFE INSURANCE SECTOR IN INDIA IN THE POST LIBERALISATION PERIOD(2012) Sangeetha Natarajan; S, PoornimaItem IMPACT OF INNOVATION ADOPTION ON BUSINESS PERFORMANCE A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO THE KNITWEAR CLUSTER OF TIRUPUR DISTRICT(2012) Savitha Nair; S, PoornimaItem TALENT MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON ORGANIZATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO IT SECTOR IN BENGALURU(2012) Senthilkumar, R; Kumudha, AItem AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON CUSTOMERS PERCEPTION ON SELECTED BRANDED RETAIL OUTLETS IN COIMBATORE CITY(2013) Prabakar K; Kumudha AItem DIASPORIC DIVULGENCE IN THE SELECT NOVELS OF BHARATI MUKHERJEE(2013) Geetha S; Lavanya SItem SORPTION DYNAMICS OF MODIFIED NUT SHELLS ON NI II CO II CR VI IONS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS AND INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENTS EQUILIBRIUM ISOTHERMAL AND KINETIC STUDIES(2013-09-06) Gohulavani G; Muthulakshmi Andal NMetal pollution of water and its sources has been receiving considerable attention in recent times due to the increasing amounts of industrial effluents discharged into the environment. Heavy metals like nickel, chromium, copper, cobalt, mercury, lead, cadmium and zinc in their common oxidation states are reported to cause several physiological disorders and pose hazardous threat to the environment. Several reclamation technologies have been developed to reduce their concentrations. A number of low-cost and indigenous materials are identified as successful adsorbents, to remove metal ions through the process of adsorption. In this context, acid-base treated, phosphate modified and nanomodified adsorbent materials, which have been prepared from Terminalia catappa nut shell and Azaridachta indica nut shell are employed to reduce the concentrations of the three selected metal ions. Adsorption studies of Ni(II), Co(II) and Cr(VI) employing the chosen sorbents have been investigated by batch equilibration method. The characteristics of the treated sorbents are determined and the adsorptions of metal ions onto the surface of the adsorbents are confirmed by Microscopic, AFM, BET, BJH, SEM, FT-IR and EDAX analytical techniques. The optimum conditions for achieving maximum adsorption of metal ions are established. Phosphate modified and Nano modified sorbents are subjected to the optimized conditions of parameters study. The factors influencing the adsorption rate and the dynamics of adsorption processes are studied in order to verify the adsorption behaviour. The nature of adsorption equilibrium and kinetic behaviour are explained by different isothermal and kinetic models respectively. A comparative assessment of the sorption ability of the treated adsorbents along with the order of preferential adsorption among the metal ions is made on the basis of the valid conclusions drawn from the experimental results. The efficiency of the adsorbent materials is tested with industrial effluents.Item EXPLORATION OF SELECTED INDIGENOUS MEDICINAL PLANTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF SKIN DISEASES ON DOMESTIC ANIMALS(2014) Umadevi U; Kamalam MItem POSTMODERN IDEOLOGIES IN SELECT NOVELS OF MICHAEL ONDAATJE(2014) Angeline M; Lavanya SItem A STUDY ON PERSPECTIVES OF JOB EMBEDDEDNESS WITH LOCUS OF CONTROL AS MODERATOR AMONG BANK EXECUTIVES OF COIMBATORE CITY(2015) Senthil Prakash, P; Anitha, JItem Item A STUDY ON OCCUPATIONAL STRESS PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT AND JOB SATISFACTION AMONG THE EMPLOYEES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY IN COIMBATORE(2015-11-15) Deepa, J; Paramanandam, P-Item PRODUCTION OF FUNGAL LIPASES AND THEIR APPLICATION AS CATALYSTS FOR BIODIESEL PRODUCTION FROM JATROPHA AND KARANJA OIL(2016) Priyadharshini K; Meerabai R.SItem SYNTHESIS CHARATERISATION AND APPLICATIONS OF TRANSITION METAL COMPLEXES OF QUINOXALINE PYRIMIDINE AND BENZOTHIAZOLE BASED HETEROCYCLIC LIGANDS(2016) Jone Kirubavathy S; Subramanian, ChitraItem