Vidyakala KNithyakala KDeepa JNandhini P2021-10-252021-10-2520192349-5162 style assessments provide an opportunity to learn to respond under different circumstances and learn to approach information in a different way. Learning styles classifies different ways people learn and acquire information. Many a times students feel that they are unable to learn some concepts even after adopting a method followed by their parents, friends, colleagues or teachers. It signals that though all share some learning patterns each individual might have a different learning style. Knowing one’s own style, might help them to match the way they approach information, with the way they learn and process the information which leads to dramatic improvements in understanding, meaning making, self-image and improvement in grades.enLearning StylesASSESSMENT OF OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION AMONG COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS IN COIMBATOREArticle