Mohanraj, SAiswarya Lakshmi, TNathiya, TYasodha Devi, LSujaritha, DGowrishankar, R2024-12-022024-12-02202521984182 objective of this qualitative study is to shed light on potential pathways for smooth integration at the regional or national levels by exploring the complex interactions that exist between policy goals and more general economic development methods. This study uses a novel technique called word cloud analysis to clarify the underlying thematic priorities and values that are ingrained in the policies that are now in place. Through close examination of the textual corpus of relevant policy papers, important themes surface that made clear the guiding principles and general objectives of governmental activities. This research identifies similarities and differences between policy goals and more general agenda for economic development through methodical examination. Word frequencies and co-occurrences are compared to provide a more detailed picture of the policy landscape, highlighting possible conflicts as well as areas of agreement. This approach facilitates the discovery of focal points for integration and synergy, directing policymakers toward the unification of divergent goals for comprehensive economic growth. Additionally, this study aims to close the knowledge gap between policymakers and practitioners by providing practical insights. Strategic recommendations are made to help ensure that policy objectives are smoothly incorporated into more comprehensive plans for economic development and industrialization. These recommendations are developed by combining the results of the word cloud analysis with qualitative evaluations. To promote synergy and coherence across several policy domains, these ideas include targeted interventions, stakeholder engagement initiatives, and institutional reforms. In the end, this study advances the conversation about successful policy integration for long-term, sustainable economic growth. It provides policymakers with a road map for navigating the challenges of policy convergence and promoting inclusive and cohesive economic growth at both the regional and national levels by utilizing cutting-edge methodology and qualitative insights.en-USHARMONIZING POLICY OBJECTIVES WITH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIALIZATION STRATEGIES (Book Chapter)Book chapter