Parameswari, KChitra, SNusrath Unnisa, CSelvaraj, A2023-12-042023-12-042010 inhibition efficiency of azlactones on corrosion behaviour of mild steel in 1M H2SO4 has been evaluated using weight loss, gasometry and atomic absorption spectroscopy techniques which shows increase in inhibition efficiency with increase in concentration.Effect of temperature strongly ensures stronger physisorption of the compounds, which obeys Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The inhibition efficiency has been synergistically enhanced by the addition of halide ions. The kinetic corrosion parameters analysed in terms of impedance data shows a satisfactory agreement with those obtained by potentiodynamic polarisation method.en-USazlactonesLangmuir adsorption isothermsynergismEFFECT OF AZLACTONES ON CORROSION INHIBITION OF MILD STEEL IN ACID MEDIUMArticle