Hemapriya VSavithri KParameswari KChitra S2023-09-212023-09-212014-010975-833Xhttps://journalcra.com/article/corrosion-behavior-mild-steel-hydrochloric-acid-solution-presence-nicotinic-acid-derivativesThe inhibition effect of the synthesized organic inhibitor namely its benzylidine derivative investigated using weight loss, measurements. The inhibition efficiencies obtained from all methods employed are in good agreement with each other. The obtained results show that the compounds NAH and NABH are very good inhibitor solution. The inhibition efficiency increases with increase of inhibitor concentration. Changes in impedance parameters (R surface, leading to the formation of a protective film. Tafel polarization measurements showed that the inhibitors are mixed type. Adsorption of the inhibitor on the surface of the mild steel in 1M hydrochloric acid was found to obey Langmuir’s adsorpti energy of adsorption process were calculated and discusseden-USCorrosionPolarizationInhibitorAdsorptionNicotinic AcidImpedance spectroscopyCORROSION BEHAVIOR OF MILD STEEL IN HYDROCHLORIC ACID SOLUTION IN PRESENCE OF NICOTINIC ACID DERIVATIVESArticle