Menaga MNalini DSowmya, Ramkumar2023-09-082023-09-082020-06-030970-020 X inhibitive ability against mild steel corrosion of pharmacologically active compound Bexol towards acid was valued by gravimetric experiments and electrochemical experiments. The results of the weight loss studies indicated inhibition efficiency was boosted with increased concentration of Bexol from 5 mg/L to 45 mg/L in the acid environment. Potentiodynamic polarization behaviour of the metal specimen in presence of Bexol exposed the mixed style inhibitive action. EIS results established that Bexol adsorb at the metal/acid junction by mere electrostatic physical adsorption mechanism to inhibit the corrosion process. Epoxy coated mild steel without and with the studied bexol was used for electrochemical studies in 3.5% of NaCl for different time intervals. The Density Functional -theory was employed to scrutinize inhibition property of the considered inhibitor. Experimental measurement obtained shows perfect fit to the theoretical calculationsen-USMild steelBexolAcid corrosionEISDFTepoxy coatingEXPERIMENTAL RESULTS WITH HYPOTHETICAL EVIDENCES FOR BEXOL AS AN EFFECTIVE INHIBITOR ON CORROSION INHIBITION OF MILD STEEL IN ACIDIC ENVIRONMENT AND ITS EPOXY COATING BEHAVIORArticle