Dhanasekar, EDharchana, SPriyanka, SManasha, STharaka Rani, V MGowrishankar, R2024-12-022024-12-02202521984182https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-67890-5_102LinkedIn is a platform where all the professionals connects together with industry peers and colleagues. This network building will provide more opportunities for job referrals to the fellow peers. Job seekers utilize this platform as a tool for job alerts and job openings where they can directly apply for the positions. This platform can also be used for the self-branding. Professional people use this platform to build their profile that showcases their skills, experiences and achievements. Online resources are spread wide across the platform which the individuals get benefits from online learning and training. Job seekers can update themselves according to the companies current requirements by going through this online platform. Thus, LinkedIn platform has been considered as the most important influencing factor among job seekers and IT Professionals.en-USINFLUENCING FACTORS OF LINKEDIN BY JOB SEEKERS AND PROFESSIONALS IN IT SECTOR (Book Chapter)Book chapter